Trump: “Incompetent” Biden Could Drag Us into WW3 before Election


Former president Donald Trump warned that Joe Biden’s “incompetence” could see the United States dragged into World War Three before the 2024 presidential election.

Trump called Biden “pathetic” during a press conference at Mar-a-Lago just hours before Iran began attacking Israel with drones.

“For the president of our country to actually put out a warning that he thinks that we’re going to be attacked or they’re going to be attacked. That’s pretty pathetic.”


“They wouldn’t be attacking Israel if I were president, that I can tell you,” Trump continued, adding “And they never did.”

“Iran was in no position to attack. They had no money. They were broke,” Trump added.

“With all that we’ve done, with all of the fighting, all of the death, look at what happened. How incompetent the whole thing is,” Trump continued.

“This is a very dangerous period of time in our nation and a big reason that it’s dangerous is because we have a president that’s grossly incompetent.”

The former president also warned the U.S. could “end up in a world war between Russia and Ukraine and all of the chaos and that’s something that should have never happened, that would have never happened.”


“What’s going on with Israel, October 7 and what’s going on with Israel could end up in a world war,’ Trump further warned.

“We have a president that can’t put two sentences together. We have a president who can’t find the stairs off the stage,” he added.

“We have a president who doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing. And we could end up in a world war,” Trump said.

He continued:

“We have just a little bit less than seven months now, months before November 5, but that’s an eternity when people are incompetent.”

Jonathan Sweet from The New York Post echoed Trump’s remarks in an article on Saturday:

“Gen. Omar Bradley is often credited with the saying, “Amateurs talk strategy. Professionals talk logistics.” The Biden administration does neither.”

“In September 2022, we argued that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “Arsenals of Evil” — North Korea and Iran — couldn’t help the Kremlin retrieve its faltering position in Ukraine.”

The two rogue states, each as anti-American as it gets, are providing Putin with drones, artillery and cruise missiles to defeat the United States and our NATO allies in Ukraine, all while pursuing their nuclear weapons programs unabated.

To underscore the extent to which America has fallen behind, Gen. Michael E. Kurilla, head of U.S. Central Command, testified before Congress that “the Russians are firing five times as many artillery shells as the Ukrainians.”

Kurilla warned that Putin’s advantage in artillery shells would increase to 10 to 1 “in a matter of weeks.”

Russia is outproducing the U.S. and NATO — churning out 250,000 artillery munitions per month, while NATO’s artillery coalition, led by France and the Czech Republic, is forced to scrounge on the open market to secure a one-time purchase of 800,000 rounds.

According to a senior European intelligence official, the U.S. and Europe, collectively, can produce just 100,000 munitions each month.

And they’re not even doing that.”

READ: Trump: ‘Americans Won’t Have a Country If I Lose in November’

Las Vegas News Magazine

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