Watch: Climate punks dump on the constitution: National Archives Rotunda in DC evacuated after climate activists dump pink powder on case holding US Constitution


By Craig Rucker –
Two climate campaigners entered the National Archives Rotunda yesterday and smeared red powder on the U.S. Constitution as guards stood by and watched.

We posted video of the attack to

This tragic Valentine gift to America perfectly illustrates the illiberal instincts lurking behind the Left’s push to use climate as a pretext to expand the power of government and diminish our civil liberties.

“We are determined to foment a rebellion,” the climate campaigners said, “we all deserve clean air, water, food and a livable climate.”

NBC Washington reports that “Climate change activism group Declare Emergency confirmed to News4 that two of their members were taken into custody at the National Archives. Declare Emergency is the same group responsible for red paint thrown on a case holding Degas’ “Little Dancer” sculpture last April.”

Climate campaigners have now added attacks on historic documents codifying our liberties to attacks on works of art.  Climate radicals recently defaced Davinci’s “Mona Lisa,” Degas’ “Little Dancer,” and Monet’s “Haystacks” among others.

The Rotunda of the National Archives houses historic copies of America’s essential founding documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

An attack on our founding documents is an attack on us all.

These documents have long been celebrated as among the most important expressions of the protection of the rights of individuals against abuse by their government.

In 1787, Benjamin Franklin was asked during the Constitutional Convention, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?”

“A republic, if you can keep it,” Franklin replied.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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