Turmoil Inside Biden Administration: John Kirby Expresses Frustration Over Karine Jean-Pierre's Role


The frustration of John Kirby, National Security Council spokesperson and the new White House national security communications adviser, seems evident as White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre continues to call on reporters during his briefings.

Per a New York Times report, the people they spoke to said Kirby revealed his frustrations with former MSNBC contributor Jean-Pierre. 

Mr. Kirby had privately acknowledged, when asked, that he would one day like to be named press secretary, and he has expressed frustration that Ms. Jean-Pierre picked the reporters who ask him questions at briefings.”

As RedState reported in January, tensions grew between Kirby and KJP over who was going to speak for President Biden.

Before coming on as a Biden senior adviser to then-president-elect Biden, KJP was a political commentator on MSNBC. That somewhat explains why she struggles to respond to reporters’ questions and oftentimes misleads the public when responding to a specific question.

Kirby has had more experience, and it shows when he responds to questions from reporters compared to Jean-Pierre. 

According to the New York Times report, KJP had “growing pains.”

At a May 2022 reception on the Truman Balcony, held in honor of Ms. Psaki’s departure, Mr. Biden was speaking with a group of aides when he tried to reassure Ms. Jean-Pierre not to worry about filling Ms. Psaki’s shoes, according to two people with direct knowledge of their exchange.

Following the report, Kirby and Jean-Pierre tried to divert the attention from their conflict by complimenting each other. Per the Times, KJP said:

Admiral Kirby is an excellent colleague and I’m proud to work with him. I’ve enjoyed getting to know him and have great respect for his service to our country. His military experience and the work he has done as part of the national security team have been immensely helpful to the White House, particularly with two ongoing conflicts around the world.

Kirby responded, saying KJP is a “ground-breaking, trail-blazing professional and a role model.” He continued:

I don’t know anyone more dedicated to the task of explaining the goals of this administration. It’s a privilege to be in her company, to watch her work and to learn from her. And I’m lucky to get to do that every day.

Kirby has been seen at the podium in front of reporters more often since the Israel-Hamas war began in October. Per current and former Biden officials, the tension between Kirby and KJP began when now-MSNBC host Jen Psaki departed as press secretary in 2022. 

It remains to be seen how long Kirby will share the podium with KJP, but as of now, it appears they will play damage control and try to bury the Times report

Las Vegas News Magazine

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