Trump Shares Messianic Video About God Sending Him To Save World


Putin has received invitations to visit dozens of countries in 2024, says this comes at the same time one third of United Nations member states have already opted for de-dollarization and decided to rely on national currencies to conduct payments—is a move away from American paper currency backed by nothing into money supported by gold and natural resource wealth spearheaded by Director Elvira Nabiullina of the Bank of Russia, who is lauded for steering the Russian economy away from the socialist Western colonial powers, and this week it was revealed: “Sales of new motor vehicles in Russia amounted to more than 1.3 million units in 2023, a 60% surge compared to the previous year”.

As a consequence of pouring its resources into war instead of peace, this report notes, it was revealed this past week: “The United States government federal debt has breached an unflattering milestone, topping $34 trillion for the first time in history and amounting to more than double the total of the world’s next-biggest borrower, China”—in an effort to stop this war madness, the United Nations Security Council has scheduled a meeting for 22 January on Western arms supply to Ukraine—because the West keeps flooding Ukraine with weapons the Ministry of Defense (MoD) revealed this morning: “The Russian armed forces in the Donetsk direction repelled two attacks by Ukraine over the past 24 hours, with Kiev’s losses totaling more than 190 servicepeople, a tank and two armored vehicles”—a revelation joined by the news: “The US political establishment realizes Ukraine will have to be divided as the focus turns to how peace can be restored in Western Europe, British pundits say…The British Newspaper the Daily Express quoted experts as saying the “stark realization” comes amid growing concerns in Washington that if Donald Trump retakes the White House in the November 5 presidential election, he will pull the plug on US aid to Ukraine”.

In a week where it was revealed that the American military has shrunk to its lowest level in manpower since 1940, this report continues, a United States Air Force strategic B-1B Lancer costing $317 million also crashed and burned after its crew ejected—are critical events not commented on by United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who yesterday it was revealed has been in hospital since 1 January—upon learning that the President Biden hid from the public that their nation’s top military official was hospitalized, the White House press corps erupted in rage, and it saw former Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr for CNN posting the withering message: “The lack of disclosure that Sec Def was ill is a huge strategic failure…As of tonight I do not see a way forward for believing the Pentagon tells the truth on anything…Reporters are always skeptics but this goes far and deep beyond that always professional skepticism”.

Along with the United States military suffering a critical manpower shortage, this report details, the British Royal Navy announced its was decommissioning two warships because it doesn’t have enough sailors to man them, about which it was reported: “The two frigates due to be decommissioned are the HMS Westminster and HMS Argyll…Both were recently refurbished at huge expense to the taxpayers”—it was then revealed: “The British Royal Navy has been forced to post job ads on LinkedIn as it struggles to recruit a new rear admiral to preside over the country’s submarine fleet, a move dubbed “unprecedented” and “shameful” by British military sources”—all of which was followed by the news: “Republican candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has told multiple people he would withdraw the U.S. from NATO as president, the furthest anyone vying for the Oval Office has gone on the idea of ending America’s role in the alliance”.

With President Donald Trump having posted on his website “Agenda47: Preventing World War III”, wherein he declares: “We have to finish the process we began under my administration of fundamentally reevaluating NATO’s purpose and NATO’s mission”, this report concludes, it was no surprise to see it revealed today: “Senior British officials are compiling a dossier on former US President Donald Trump in anticipation of his potential victory in the 2024 election…Tory officials worry that if Trump beats incumbent Joe Biden, he could chuck a massive grenade into global geopolitics”—is a British government “dossier” on President Trump that without any doubt will include the just released article “Trump Shares Messianic Video About God Sending Him To Save World”—and the Wall Street Journal, in its just released article “Trump Summons The Furies In Iowa”, assessed today: “As a matter of cosmic justice, the Democrats, particularly Mr. Biden, deserve a Trump victory in 2024…They assumed he was unelectable…Thanks to them, he isn’t…He will likely win the nomination…And, as a consequence of Mr. Biden’s plenary incompetence and perverse refusal to exit the scene, Mr. Trump may win the presidency…Then the real fun starts…Happy days are here again”.

Minister Sergei Shoigu announced this morning: “Groupings of Russian troops are methodically reducing the combat potential of the Ukrainian armed forces…Over the past year, enemy losses exceeded 215,000 servicepeople and 28,000 weapons systems…We maintain the strategic initiative along the entire line of combat contact…But in spite of this situation, the United States is cold-bloodedly trying to achieve its ambitions for global leadership at the expense of Ukrainian lives…At the instigation of its Western curators, the Kiev regime continues to drive its soldiers to slaughter, and is searching for any opportunities to replenish the ranks of the Ukrainian Army…This will not change the situation on the line of combat, but only prolong the military conflict”.

In the latest move to “replenish the ranks of the Ukrainian Army” in order to sate demonic American bloodlust, this report notes, Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov announced: “For the first time, the Ministry of Defense purchased 50,000 sets of women’s uniforms”—an announcement about Ukraine preparing to slaughter its women joined by feared and powerful Ukrainian military intelligence commander Colonel Roman Kostenko, who is also secretary of the Parliamentary Committee on National Security, Defense, and Intelligence, proclaiming: “I believe that now President Zelensky must understand for himself that he will never be president again, that this is only one term that he now has…He must use it to the maximum to preserve this state…He must understand that he is already politically dead”.

Along with corrupt socialist Western colonial puppet leader Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky being proclaimed “politically dead” by his regimes most powerful military intelligence official, this report continues, the leftist New York Times just revealed: “Russia is using glide bombs to devastate Ukrainian bunkers”—a revelation that followed the unconfirmed report that United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was killed in Ukraine when the bunker he was in suffered a massive Russian missile strike—a report that can’t be confirmed or denied because Defense Secretary Austin hasn’t been seen because of a “hospital debacle” in which he failed to inform anyone that he was in a hospital intensive care unit—and this morning, if one chooses to believe a Pentagon that is covering up what is really happening to Defense Secretary Austin, it was revealed that United States Marine Corps Commandant General Eric Smith is also in a hospital intensive care unit following open heart surgery, but who could have been in the Ukrainian bunker along with Defense Secretary Austin when it was struck by Russian missiles.

While top American military leaders are mysteriously ending up in hospital, this report details, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi declared today: “We continue to deepen comprehensive strategic cooperation between China and Russia, promote the further development of our countries, support the world’s movement towards multipolarity, and promote the democratization of international relations…Between cooperation and confrontation, we unwaveringly choose cooperation…The relationship between major powers impacts global stability and China has always believed that major powers should have high aspirations and bear great responsibility”—because China has chosen the path of cooperation instead of confrontation, the Wall Street Journal, in its just released article “China Becomes The World’s Biggest Auto Exporter—With Help From Russia”, revealed: “China’s overseas auto sales surged to a record last year, on track to surpass Japan as the world’s biggest exporter of cars and marking a tectonic shift for the global auto industry”—and because the United States has chosen the path of confrontation instead of cooperation, it was just warned: “US finance giant JPMorgan has likened the American economy to a slow-boiled frog thanks to its $34-trillion national debt”.

With demonic American neocons “excited for more war” as “growing fears” of World War III accelerate, this report concludes, top Russian news host Vladimir Solovyov assessed: “The Russian “Army of God” fighting for truth and light is prepared to wage war against the American “Army of Satan””—an assessment joined by world-renowned British intelligence leader and diplomat Alastair Crooke observing that the West is thoroughly corrupt and its end is fast nearing—an observation quickly noted by top Russian military analyst Andrei Martyanov, who, in his just released open letter “From Plato To NATO”, observed:

This is the manifestation of the best of old British intellect as coined by Alastair Crooke. Everything that we all warned about is now visible to anyone who cares to see.

It is over for the West and we all, and you all know who we are, warned about it for years. The reckoning is upon us and no narrative can change it.

I just want to remind you what I wrote five years ago:

Warfare is a geopolitic

al tool of the first order. In fact, geopolitics as a field of interaction of nations cannot exist without it. Warfare, in the end, formed and continues to be anchored in the human condition, and as a result, in our political, social, economic and cultural institutions. No understanding of warfare is possible without understanding its most important tools, weapons and people, tactics and operational art. It is precisely the field in which American political class has zero competencies—they simply do not teach nor grant degrees in what amounts to military science in the United States.

It took Russia, again, to start dismantling what today has become the house of demons and horror in the West and by the West, and she is doing it again in a Russian way–by defeating it on the battlefield.


Las Vegas News Magazine

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