Surfer SEO Group Buy (The Truth)


You’re here because you’re searching for “Surfer SEO group buy.”Not cool because it’s stealing. But hey, I’m not the Internet police, so do what you want.Either way, it shows that Surfer is a great on-page SEO tool because so many people want to access it.Now, what the heck is the point of this post?Well, I want to show you that it’s not the marketing tools that make you win in Google. It’s the strategy—strategy first, tools second.As I write this, I know that I’ll rank well for “Surfer SEO group buy” as soon as it I publish it.How can I predict such SEO success?I’m not a fortune teller, but having a repeatable SEO system produces predictable results.Plus, if this post doesn’t rank, then I’ll just delete it 😉So here’s what I did to rank:1. Find Uncompetitive KeywordsI found an uncompetitive keyword: “Surfer SEO group buy,” by looking at what I call clustering opportunities.These are keywords ranking #50 +, and I love them because Google is telling me that they are topically relevant.Go into Semrush, enter your domain, filter by position, and then filter by “KD: Very Easy,” and you’ll see these opportunities:2. Create Original ContentOnce you’ve found an uncompetitive keyword, then create something original and unique.For example, this silly little post took me 10 minutes to create. You can slap this keyword into ChatGPT to produce it even faster, but Google’s getting much better at AI content detection.Plus, they’ve been dishing out manual actions since the last core update. So be careful. I recommend human production (like this) for your content.However, you can produce intelligent SEO content briefs using AI with Rankability (the #1 Surfer alternative).3. Place Your Keyword in the Right SpotsThe third part of the ranking equation is keyword placement. Your primary keyword should be in your title, meta description (not super necessary anymore), H1, and first sentence at a bare minimum.Take a look at what I’ve done in this post.4. Create More Relevance and Depth with NLPThen, I recommend using NLP (Natural Language Processing) to bridge the topic gaps. For example, I’ll scan the ideas on the right-hand side of the Rankability Content Optimizer (an alternative to Surfer’s Content Editor).Don’t view these are keywords. View them as topics.You don’t need to jam this keyword into your content randomly. Keyword density is NOT a ranking factor anyway. Plus, it’ll likely cause more harm than good. This is one reason I’m not a Surfer’s SERP Analyzer fan.It incentivizes people to focus on SEO minutia, which leads to over-optimized junk. Instead, look at each keyword as an opportunity to increase the depth of your content.As I write this first draft in Rankability, it only has a score of 12. But now it’s up to a 29, which aligns with the top competitors.To review:I’ve identified a keyword with low competitionI’ve created a dedicated asset that is optimized around the exact keyword phraseI’ve increased the depth and relevance of the content by filling in topic gapsNow you might be wondering: will this be enough to rank?Well, here’s the truth:5. Build Website AuthorityYou need content to rank, but content strategy alone isn’t enough. The biggest piece of the SEO puzzle is your overall domain strength, a byproduct of backlinks.For example, has an Authority Score (AS) of 40, according to Semrush. It’s also a trusted domain and entity. This gives me an advantage over newer websites.As a result, I can rank for keywords without building any additional links to this page. That’s the power of website authority.But keep in mind that this really only applies to low-competition keywords. If I target tougher keywords, I’ll have to drive backlinks directly to the page.6. Focus on User EngagementThe last piece of this equation, which almost no one talks about, is user engagement. For example, if you’re still reading this, then you’re helping me rank well.But the user engagement journey begins BEFORE you get to this page. Google measures organic CTR to determine what should rank.So, I test different headlines to see what drives the best CTR. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how good your content is if no one is clicking.I’ve learned this philosophy while trying to grow my YouTube channel. In that context, it doesn’t matter how good your video is if no one clicks to watch. That’s why it’s critical to focus on the headline and thumbnail. The same is true for traditional SEO in Google.Your title matters a ton, and you should split-test it to drive maximum CTR.Finals WordsIt’s pretty wild how many people search “group buy SEO tools.” But it makes sense.These on-page optimization and SEO competitor spy tools like Rankability, Surfer, and Page Optimizer Pro are very powerful but not a small investment. That said, these tools offer basic plans for smaller budgets.So, if you want to stop stealing, there are options. It’s funny how most people wouldn’t shoplift, but on the Internet, theft is commonplace.But hey, who am I to talk to since I share my Netflix account?The choice is yours, but I recommend Rankability for your content creation. Top SEO teams at agencies use it to drive awesome client results.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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