'Suborning Perjury': Analyst Suggests Bragg Put Cohen On Stand To Lie (Video) ⋆ JP


By Harold Hutchison
Daily Caller News Foundation

Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett accused Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg of suborning perjury Thursday morning, citing testimony from a former attorney for Michael Cohen.

Bob Costello, a former federal prosecutor, testified at a hearing held by the House Judiciary Committee’s Special Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, where he outlined comments by Michael Cohen, a former fixer for former President Donald Trump, that were at odds with claims Cohen made during his testimony at Trump’s trial on charges of falsifying business records. Jarrett said that Costello’s testimony indicated that Cohen lied about the central legal issues in Trump’s case.


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“I think, Brian, it is very tempting for the defense to call Bob Costello because he can look into the faces of the jury and say, ‘This guy, Michael Cohen, he’s been lying to you, he swore to me he kept Trump in the dark about this Stormy Daniels payment, it was all his idea, he acted on his own, his client had nothing to do with it,’” Jarrett told “Fox and Friends” co-host Brian Kilmeade. “The opposite of what Cohen told the jury, and he also confessed to his then-attorney that Trump’s only concern was protecting his wife, not the campaign. Again, the opposite of Cohen’s testimony.”

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“It means that Cohen has essentially been lying about the two pivotal legal issues in the case and prosecutors, they know it, they wanted him to lie,” Jarrett continued. “That is suborning perjury, but Alvin Bragg doesn’t care, he will do anything by hook or crook — mostly by crook.”

Cohen, who pled guilty to charges of lying to Congress in 2018 and was accused of perjury by a federal judge, gave additional testimony Tuesday after he took the stand Monday to testify in the case centered around a $130,000 payout to porn star Stormy Daniels. Jarrett roasted Bragg’s team for having Cohen as their final witness.

“I think it’s beyond foolish to make an infamous liar your final witness to hang your entire case on it because, understand, when prosecutors call a witness like Cohen, they are vouching for his credibility, and they knew that he would be exposed as the habitual liar that he is,” Jarrett said.

“This guy makes a living trashing Trump, trolling for dollars on TikTok, lunatic rants, yelling into the camera, Trump belongs in a cage like an f’ing animal,” Jarrett added. “So, you know, think about this. When Cohen comes to court he is all dressed nicely, he is calm and polite. That’s a con job by a skilled charlatan and jurors, through cross-examination, are becoming acquainted with the real Michael Cohen. Nasty, vile and a loathsome person.”

This story originally was published by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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