Student Says Middle School Class On Racism Made Him ‘Feel Like Horse Sh*t’ In Anonymous Letter: Report – JP


A professor at Columbia University shared a letter Wednesday purportedly from an anonymous student who alleged psychological pains of being exposed to what he described as anti-white male education.

Professor John McWhorter drew attention to the letter, which has not yet been verified by The Daily Caller News Foundation, in a June 16 tweet.

The author of the letter describes themself as a previous student of Dwight-Englewood School who abhorred the content of his middle school English teacher. The teacher allegedly “taught us for the first two weeks about pretty much how awful white men are,” the student said, adding “those teachings made me feel like horse shit.”

“Later during that year, in my history class, my white classmates were constantly using the pronoun ‘we’ when talking about slavery. Eventually, I had to raise my hand and remind them: that ‘we’ were not and are not a part of these despicable acts,” the student wrote.

“I see movements on social media like #KAM which stands for ‘Kill all men,’” the student wrote. They later described how harmful trends like these are: “people don’t realize how strongly that affects boys in an extremely negative way.”

But it isn’t just school-age boys who are hurting, according to the student: “I see the negative effects of this toxic community in my fellow students and faculty every day.”

Students felt “like scum undeserving of living,” the student said.

The teacher to whom the letter was addressed, Dana Stangel-Plowe, was a fierce critic of the alleged injection of CRT into the students’ curriculum. After writing a letter of her own to the school, Stangel-Plowe resigned due to “hostile culture of conformity and fear.”

CRT is a framework that labels America as fundamentally racist, yet it holds that social interactions should be viewed under the lenses of oppression and race. Proponents pursue a doctrine of antiracism through the end of merit, objective truth, and the promotion of race-based policies.

McWhorter praised Stangel-Plowe for taking a stand against CRT on Twitter.

McWhorter and the Dwight-Englewood School did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

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