Stew Peters Show: California Courts Prepare for Castration of 11-Year-Old Boy


Last Updated on April 8, 2024

Jeff Younger joined the Stew Peters Show to break down the campaign to castrate his 11-year-old son against Younger’s will, because his ex-wife, who’s been backed by the court systems of both Texas and California, claims that the boy is trans. Younger’s appearance on the Stew Peters Show came just weeks ahead of an April 25th hearing, where a California judge is expected to rule in favor of the castration, under California’s “trans refuge” laws.

Jeff Younger has been fighting for years to save his now-11-year-old son, James, from transgender mutilation after the boy’s mother, Anne Georgulas, began telling him that he was trans. To force a chemical and potentially physical castration, Georgulas moved James from Texas to California as the state’s so-called “trans refuge” laws came into effect, and was allowed to do so by the Texas court system.

“You can’t get legislators in conservative states like Texas to protect kids,” Younger told Stew Peters.

“You know, I went all the way up to the Supreme Court of Texas to stop my child from being moved to California under their transgender kidnapping laws, and all the justices except one voted against me and let my son move, saying that he was no more in danger of transgender child abuse in California than he was in Texas, where it was illegal.”

“And sure enough, as soon as my ex-wife moved my sons there, she enrolled him with a physician [and] got him involved with a gender clinic,” Younger explained.

As National File recently reported:

Jeff Younger tells National File that he expects his ex-wife, Anne Georgulas, to take their son to a gender clinic and begin the castration process immediately after the ruling, which will come at a pro-forma hearing on April 25th, where Younger isn’t even allowed to testify in defense of his son. Instead, court-ordained, pro-trans “experts” will take the stand, and the transition of his son will likely be rubber-stamped.

The anticipated ruling comes after a lengthy legal battle that has spanned two states and after the Texas Supreme Court allowed the boy to be removed from Texas and the care of his father in late 2022, and be taken to California by his mother, where she’s since taken advantage of “trans refuge” laws.

Read More: California Plans to Castrate Child After Mother Absconded from Texas Father

Watch the Full Stew Peters Show Interview with Jeff Younger Below:

Las Vegas News Magazine

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