Six people killed, attacker shot dead in shopping centre stabbing attack


Six people have now been killed and an attacker has been shot dead after multiple people were stabbed at Westfield Bondi Junction shopping centre in Sydney‘s east.

The sixth victim has been confirmed to be a 38-year-old mother who, along with her nine-month-old baby, was among those stabbed at the shopping centre. The nine-month-old child continues to be treated in hospital.

Police said a man walked into the centre at about 3.10pm before he returned 10 minutes later at 3.20pm and began stabbing people.

“It is clear that during that engagement he caused harm to those people, we believe, by stabbing them with a weapon he was carrying,” NSW Police Assistant Commissioner Tony Cooke said.

Video appeared to show a knife-wiedling man wearing a rugby league jersey.
Video appeared to show a knife-wielding man wearing a rugby league jersey. (9News)
Bondi Junction Westfield stabbing
Police rushed to the scene after they received multiple calls from members of the public. (Dion Georgopoulos / The Sydney Morning Herald)

Police rushed to the scene after they received multiple calls from members of the public.

Video obtained by 9News appears to show a man wearing a rugby league jersey holding a knife as shoppers flee.

A female police officer was nearby at the time and was directed to the man by shoppers in the centre.

Bondi Junction Westfield stabbing
Bondi Junction Westfield and streets surrounding were in lockdown. (Dion Georgopoulos / The Sydney Morning Herald)
Bondi Junction Westfield stabbing
Shoppers fled as the attack unfolded in Sydney. (Flavio Brancaleone / The Sydney Morning Herald)

“She confronted the offender, who had moved by this stage to level five, as she continued to walk quickly behind him to catch up with him,” Cooke said.

“He turned, faced her, raised a knife, she discharged a firearm and that person is now deceased.

“This all happened very, very quickly.

“The officer was in the near vicinity, attended on her own, was guided to the location of the offender by the people who were in the centre and she took the actions that she did saving a range of people’s lives.”

Five people have been killed and an attacker has been shot dead after multiple people were stabbed at Westfield Bondi Junction shopping centre in Sydney's east. NSW Police Assistant Commissioner Tony Cooke said the man walked into the centre at about 3.10pm and returned 10 minutes later at 3.20pm.
NSW Police Assistant Commissioner Tony Cooke said the man walked into the centre at about 3.10pm and returned 10 minutes later at 3.20pm. (9News)

Preliminary enquiries suggest the attacker acted alone and police are satisfied “there is no continuing threat” to the public.

“I do not have information in relation to the offender, I do not know who he is,” Cooke said.

“You would understand this is quite raw, inquiries are very new and we are continuing to make attempts to identify the offender in this matter.”

Cooke said police were “not ruling anything out” in terms of a motive with the investigation in its early stages.

Bondi Junction Westfield stabbing
A woman is interviewed by media at Bondi Junction after the attacks. (Dion Georgopoulos / The Sydney Morning Herald)
Bondi Junction Westfield stabbing
NSW police and ambulance vehicles remain at Westfield Bondi Junction. (Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images)

“There’s nothing that we’re aware of at the scene that would indicate any motive or any ideology,” he said.

Police have not confirmed the details of those killed or injured at this stage but Cooke confirmed one is a small child.

“I can not provide you with further information in relation to them,” he said.

“Only to say that very clearly, our hearts go out to all of them as they do anyone touched by this terrible incident this afternoon.”

Heavily armed police entered the centre as crowds of shoppers were ushered outside.

There is a heavy emergency services presence at the centre.
There was a heavy emergency services presence at the centre. (9News)
Multiple police cars and ambulances were seen outside the shopping centre.
Multiple police cars and ambulances were seen outside the shopping centre. (9News)

NSW Ambulance said the injured had been taken to various hospitals.

“Multiple ambulance crews have responded to the incident, including medical teams with doctors onboard,” it said in a statement.

“They have transported multiple patients to hospital, including two people to St Vincent’s Hospital, one person to Sydney Children’s Hospital, one patient to St George Hospital, one to Royal North Shore and two to Royal Prince Alfred.”

Another ambulance went to Prince of Wales Hospital.

Witnesses describe helping mother and baby

Two brothers have described how they helped a mother and her baby, both of whom had been stabbed.

“The baby got stabbed,” one of the men told 9News.

Witnesses have described how they helped a mother and her baby, who they claim was stabbed.
Witnesses have described how they helped a mother and her baby, who they said had been stabbed. (Nine)

“The mum got stabbed and the mum came over with the baby and threw it at me and (I) was holding the baby.”

The man said he believed the baby would survive its injuries.

The husband of one of the injured told 9News he was relieved to see his wife at St Vincent’s Hospital.

“We didn’t know what had happened,” he said.

“She just got a little, they said, stab in the top right-hand corner of her back.

“She thought she got punched and then she touched herself and there was blood.

“But apart from that, she’s okay, she’s alive and that’s all that matters.”

The man said once he saw his wife, the “stress was over”.

Armed police at Bondi Junction as the attack unfolded. (Flavio Brancaleone)


“No one could tell you anything when we were there,” he said.

“It was terrible but she’s good now.”

Earlier, a grocery shop worker at the shopping centre told 9News he was let out of the shopping centre just after 4.30pm.

“My girlfriend called me, she said that her mum works upstairs, level three and she said, ‘Look, please be careful, there’s a shooting,'” he said.

“I couldn’t hear her well, so I came outside. I just started hearing a bunch of (shots).

“My reaction was to basically put all the customers inside (and) close the door of the shop.”

Six people have been killed in the attack at Bondi Junction in Sydney. (Dion Georgopoulos)

Prime Minister says shopping centre attack ‘horrific act of violence’

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has called the attack which has killed six people at a Sydney shopping centre on a Saturday afternoon “beyond words or understanding.”

He said Australians will be “shocked” at the attack at Westfield Bondi Junction by a man with a knife, who was shot dead by a police officer just after 3pm.

“This was a horrific act of violence, indiscriminately targeted at innocent people going about an ordinary Saturday doing their shopping,” he said.

Albanese said he has been briefed by Australian Federal Police after the attack by a man at Bondi Junction Westfield on a busy Saturday afternoon. (Dion Georgopoulos)

“The first thoughts of all Australians are with the victims of these terrible acts and their loved ones. 

“Our nation offers our deepest condolences and sympathies to all those who are grieving for someone they have lost and we send our strength to those who have been injured.”

He praised the health workers caring for the eight people – including a baby – who were rushed to hospital.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has called the attack which has killed five people at a Sydney shopping centre on a Saturday afternoon “beyond words or understanding.” (9News)

He also talked about shoppers who rushed to help those who had been injured.

“Today at Bondi Junction was the scene of shocking violence, but it was also witness to the humanity and the heroism of our fellow Australians, our brave police, our first responders and of course, everyday people who could never have imagined that they would face such a moment,” he said.

“For these  Australians, their first instinct in the face of danger was to help someone else. That is what we hold on to tonight as Australians.”

  • Five people have been killed at Westfield shopping centre at Bondi Junction in Sydney’s eastern suburbs.
  • Eight people have been rushed to hospital in a critical condition after the attack just after 3pm.
  • A baby and a mother are among those reported to be injured.
  • The male attacker was shot dead just before 4pm by a female police officer.
  • Video appears to show a man wearing a rugby league jersey holding a knife as shoppers flee.
  • Mobile phone footage shows crowds within stairwells, with other shoppers saying they were evacuated to the roof
  • Shoppers helped victims as others cowered in shops for up to two hours.
  • The identity and motive of the attacker is not yet known but it is believed he acted alone.

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