Russia Prepares Nation For World War III As Confrontation With West Enters “Hot Phase”


> News > Russia Prepares Nation For World War III As Confrontation With West Enters “Hot Phase”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov preparing the Russian peoples for World War III with the proclamation: “The level of Russians trust towards President Vladimir Putin is invariably high, which means that the people feel the results of his work…Pandemics are coming, economic crises are coming, and various sanctions are coming, but, despite this, thanks to his daily work, in many cases round-the-clock work Putin manages to ensure the country’s steady onward movement”, says this proclamation was joined by Belarusian Defense Minister Lieutenant General Viktor Khrenin warning the peoples of his nuclear weapons armed Russian allied nation: “The ongoing confrontation between the West and the East has entered a hot phase”.

Accelerating the slide into World War III, this report notes, socialist Western colonial allied leader Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proclaimed: “We are attacking Iran” and declared: “We will not settle for anything short of an absolute victory…That collides with the idea of Palestinian sovereignty…I have explained this truth to our American friends, and I put the brakes on the attempt to coerce us to a reality that would endanger the state of Israel”—swiftly after which, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) announced: “As part of monitoring the situation, the military aviation of the Russian aerospace forces organized air patrols along the border of the separation zone of the Israeli armed forces and the Syrian armed forces”.

Now joining the news from earlier this week: “On the evening of 16 January, Russian missiles hit a building in Kharkov that had been converted into a major center for high-level European (mostly French) mercenaries…It was a devastating blow, with at least 60 killed and 20 wounded “, this report continues, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova announced today: “The Foreign Ministry has summoned the French ambassador following a Russian strike on a temporary base of foreign mercenaries in Kharkov, where several dozen French nationals were stationed”—State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin observed: “There was a time when our grandfathers and great grandfathers fought together against fascism…Now, it turns out that French mercenaries are dying for the Nazi regime in Ukraine”—Finnish news editor Janus Putkonen assessed: “These kinds of strikes are painful for Western countries for sure, for many reasons…Western countries are losing the information battle, because these mercenaries are at the forefront in Western propaganda for the war, and losing lots of them at the same time – hundreds of them in just a matter of days – is a major blow”—and former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer and United Nations weapons inspector Scott Ritter most correctly warned: “Russia is now in an endgame of annihilating of the Ukrainian armed forces…This means that everybody is a target: the Ukrainian military, foreign mercenaries and any NATO military members on Ukrainian soil”.

In preparing the peoples of France for World War III, this report details, French Defense Minister Sébastien Lecornu declared yesterday: “The logic of ceding materiel taken from the armies stocks is reaching its end…From now on, the solution is to directly connect French defense industries with the Ukrainian army”—a declaration the makes France a direct party in the conflict in Ukraine quickly followed by NATO Supreme Allied Commander for Europe United States Army General Christopher Cavoli announcing: “Exercise Steadfast Defender 2024 will kick off next week and continue into May…It will be the largest NATO exercise in decades, with participation from approximately 90,000 forces from all 31 Allies and our good partner Sweden”—and was an announcement to place massive numbers of NATO forces on the border of Ukraine joined by socialist Biden Regime spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre issuing the war statement: “President Biden met with congressional leaders and warned them that not approving additional funding for Ukraine could possibly result in the deployment of US troops to that country ”.

Guiding Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden into World War III, this report notes, is the Pentagon document National Defense Industrial Strategy (NDIS), about which EMP Task Force scholar David Pyne warningly observed: “The conflict in Ukraine has exposed some critical deficiencies not only in the US weapons stockpile of precision-guided munitions and artillery shells but also in America’s defense industrial base’s ability to produce them at a sufficient rate to supply the US military, let alone its allies, during a major conflict”, and senior fellow Elaine McCusker at the American Enterprise Institute think tank outright warned: “As with most such strategies, this one falls short in providing the unafraid look at root causes and specific actions needed for rapid, measurable and sustainable improvement regarding the US industrial base”.

As clearly explained in the United States Congressional document Russia’s Nuclear Weapons: Doctrine, Forces, and Modernization updated on 21 April 2022, this report continues, there is no possibility of American troops ever having to fight against their Russian counterparts, because once war starts, Russia will launch nuclear strikes against all NATO bases in the United States, Europe and Asia then stop to see what happens using its doctrine of “escalate to deescalate”, and if the West retaliates, Russia will then launch nuclear strikes against all of the major Western cities while the Russian peoples remain secured in their nuclear war survivable bunkers—and in the just released Wall Street Journal article “Pentagon’s Rehab Of Nuclear-Missile Arsenal Hit By Soaring Costs”, it reveals that America’s antiquated nuclear weapons arsenal is in a chaotic and staggeringly expensive rebuilding effort not even close to be being prepared for war, and notes: “Pentagon officials have called the rehab the biggest infrastructure project since the creation of the interstate highway system in the 1950s”.

In terror of Socialist Leader Biden igniting World War III, this report concludes, the powerful leftist Silicon Valley insiders that put him into office are now spending their massive wealth to throw him out of power—this does not, however, include leftist tech titan Mark Zuckerberg, who is rapidly building his own doomsday bunker with nuclear bomb blast doors in Hawaii—and as to why tens-of-millions of Americans are about to be incinerated in Russian nuclear weapons strikes, The Libertarian Institute, in its just released urgent warning open letter “To End The War In Ukraine, Expose Its Core Lie”, most factually observed:

The essential argument used to avoid negotiation and continue support for the war in Ukraine is based on a falsehood.

That falsehood, repeated by President Joe Biden, is that when Vladimir Putin decided to invade, he intended to conquer all of Ukraine and “annihilate” it.

As noted scholar John Mearsheimer has pointed out, “there is no evidence in the public record that Putin was contemplating, much less intending to put an end to Ukraine as an independent state and make it part of greater Russia when he sent his troops into Ukraine on February 24th”.

It was never one of Putin’s stated goals, nor was it ever taken seriously by the Ukrainian leadership. David Arakhamia, the head of Ukraine’s negotiating team in Belarus and Istanbul, recently revealed that the “key point” for Russia was Ukraine not joining NATO, and “everything else was simply rhetoric and political ‘seasoning”.

Putin himself has consistently said that “this conflict is not about territory…it is about the principles underlying the new international order”.

Looking back even further, if Putin had truly wanted to incorporate parts of the former Soviet Union, he had an ideal opportunity to do so in August 2008, when Russian troops were but an hour’s drive from the Georgian capitol of Tbilisi. He could have simply recognized the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, and then annexed them to Russia, but he did not. Reviewing Putin’s current behavior, therefore, former U.S. Deputy Undersecretary of Defense Stephen Bryen concludes that “Russia has no intention of expanding outside of the Ukraine conflict area”.

The false narrative about Russian intentions has served its essential purpose of rallying Western countries behind Ukraine. Continuing to insist on it now, however, risks involving NATO directly in the conflict, and threatens Ukraine’s very survival.

If the challenge the West faces in this conflict is defined as “existential”, then what choice does NATO have but to send its own military forces in to prevent Ukraine’s defeat?

President Biden implied as much when he said, “If Putin takes Ukraine, he won’t stop there. It’s important to see the long run here. He’s going to keep going…Then we’ll have something that we don’t seek and that we don’t have today: American troops fighting Russian troops”.


Las Vegas News Magazine

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