RINO Congressman Says He Will Not Vote To Impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas


U.S. Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) — who will be retiring at the end of his term after representing Colorado’s 4th Congressional District since 2015 — told MSNBC that he will not support the effort to impeach Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas due to his mismanagement of the border crisis.

Two articles of impeachment were filed against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas this past Sunday. Republicans have accused Mayorkas of “high crimes and misdemeanors” including a “willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law” on immigration, as well as a “breach of public trust.” GOP lawmakers have argued that impeachment is “the only viable option” after illegal alien entries surged past record highs in 2022 and 2023.

More than 10 million illegal aliens have entered the United States since Joe Biden took office in January 2021.

When asked about the ongoing effort to impeach Mayorkas, Buck told MSNBC that he will not be supporting the measure. “Well, this is not a high crime or misdemeanor. It’s not an impeachable offense,” Buck said, instead describing the collapse of the southern border as a “policy difference.”

Let me from the outset say there is a crisis on the border. The law needs to be enforced, but if we start going down this path of impeachment with a cabinet official, we are opening a door as Republicans that we don’t want to open. The next president who is a Republican will face the same scrutiny from Democrats. It’s wrong and we should not set this precedent,” he continued.

The retiring congressman went on to say that he will not be changing his mind under any circumstances. “Yeah I’m not changing my mind. I have met with Chairman Green from the Homeland Security Committee. I have met with the staff. I have talked to outside constitutional experts, I’ve talked to former members of Congress about what this would mean for Congress. I believe I have done my due diligence and I am standing firm at this point on this,” he continued. “If there’s some new evidence, I’m happy to look at it, but I don’t believe there will If there’s some new evidence, I’m happy to look at it, but I don’t believe there will.”

Buck — who has become a regular on MSNBC and CNN — has frequently backed Democrat talking points and positions over the last two years. He refused to support House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) for House Speaker, claiming that his support for the “insurrection” on January 6 was too much to look past.

Buck has also defended the Biden Administration’s ruthless crackdown and harsh prison sentences doled out to January 6 protesters, claiming that there is no evidence of politically motivated prosecutions.

The five-term congressman announced that he would not be seeking re-election in Colorado’s Fourth Congressional District, which is graded as an R+13 district by the Cook Partisan Voting Index.

A number of Republicans have lined up to replace Buck, including Trump ally Ted Harvey, a former Colorado state representative who most recently chaired a Pro-Trump Super PAC.

Other Republican candidates include Colorado State Rep. Richard Holtorf, former talk radio host Deborah Flora and Weld County Council member Trent Leisy.

U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert has also announced her candidacy for the open seat after representing Colorado’s Third Congressional District since 2021. Boebert narrowly won re-election in 2022 and was facing a formidable challenge from her Democrat opponent once again.


Las Vegas News Magazine

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