Putin Says Biden Is Better for Russia than Trump: More “Predictable”


Russian President Vladimir Putin said President Joe Biden would be better for Russia than former president Donald Trump because he is “predictable.”

During an interview with broadcaster Rossiya 1 TV, Putin said:

“[Biden] is a more experienced, predictable person.”

“He is a politician of the old school. But we will work with any leader of the United States who is trusted by the American people,” Putin added.


The Russian leader also added that he believes reports of Biden’s cognitive decline to be overdone.

“When I met with Biden in Switzerland — it was, indeed, a few years ago, three years — even then there were talks about him being incompetent,” Putin said.

“I saw nothing of the sort. Yes, he glanced at his notes. Honestly, I glanced at mine too,” Putin said.

“There’s nothing to it.”

However, Putin called Washington’s position on Russia “extremely harmful and erroneous.”

The White House responded to Putin’s comments on Wednesday:

“Mr. Putin should stay out of America’s elections,” said White House spokesperson Andrew Bates.

For years, the left have accused former President Donald Trump, without evidence, of being a “Russian asset” or “Putin’s puppet” due to his willingness to have diplomatic relations with the country.

Trump also maintained a tough foreign policy against Russia during his presidency.

Despite Putin declaring Biden as the preferred option as president, he did tell Tucker Carlson that he believed Biden was not the one leading the country, suggesting he was not in control.

The Russian leader also claimed that Western leadership has “been scaring everyone with us all along…in order to extort additional money from US taxpayers and European taxpayers in the confrontation with Russia in the Ukrainian theatre of war. The goal is to weaken Russia as much as possible.”

Putin accused former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson of sabotaging a peace deal with Ukraine, which would have ended the war 18 months ago.


WATCH: CNN Host Suffers Meltdown over Tucker Carlson Interview with Putin: He’s a ‘Putin-Supporting Celebrity!’

Las Vegas News Magazine

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