Perspex Screens Installed To Stop COVID May Have Actually Increased Its Spread, UK Govt Report Finds – JP


A leaked Whitehall document seen by Politico suggests that perspex screens installed to stop the transmission of COVID-19 may actually have increased its spread.

Businesses and schools were told by the government to install the screens as a condition of re-opening after the first lockdown and they were widely used by ‘essential’ shops throughout the entire period.

Politico’s Alex Wickham writes that the perspex screens could be about to be scrapped given new information the government has received on their efficacy.

“Ministers are also being advised that those perspex screens that have appeared in some offices and restaurants are unlikely to have any benefit in terms of preventing transmission,” states the report.

“Problems include them not being positioned correctly, with the possibility that they actually increase the risk of transmission by blocking airflow. Therefore there is clear guidance to ministers that these perspex screens should be scrapped.”

Despite the report, government ministers say there is no plan to change advice on installing the screens in businesses. – READ MORE

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