OOPS: Kamala Harris Posted A ‘420’ Message — That Was A MISTAKE ⋆ JP


Democrats flip flop between their lies so easily they must expect everyone else will forget who they were before today.

In their defense, with a complicit hard at work shielding Democrats from any meaningful consequences, it’s hard to fault them for thinking they’ll get away with it. Most of the time they do.

But some lies are so obvious there can BE no ignoring them. Like this Kamala Harris tweet to mark April 20th, the unofficial day of people celebrating pot smoking.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

The community note that was attached to that post was priceless:

The battle to upvote/downvote the notes on that post have settled nothing. Many times a comment will either be green-lit or listed as ‘not useful’. This one is still in that grey area in between.

That, in turn brought up a whole OTHER issue…

Come to think of it… didn’t Tulsi ROAST her so badly on this issue that Kamala was out of contention even before Super Tuesday?

Why yes she did.

Thanks for the reminder, Kamala.

How ironic that you used the occasion of 4/20 to remind us of some times you got absolutely smoked.

And that’s not even getting into you crazy ‘time traveling’ lie about smoking weed in college to a singer who hadn’t released an album yet, or how that lie disappointed her father.


PANDERING FAIL: Kamala Harris’s Rapper Problem–Snoop Dogg, Tupac, And The Notorious B.I.G.

Sen. Kamala Harris’s DAD Is Upset That She’s Pushing The Stereotype Of ‘Pot-Smoking Jamaicans’

HEY KAMALA: White House Staffers Being Fired For Smoking Weed … Care To Comment?

And if she hadn’t posted that, we never would have had a reason to bring up the fact that Kamala, for all her pandering, is descended from a slave owner.

REPARATIONS: Kamala Harris’s Dad Reveals They Are Descended From A SLAVE OWNER

And the cherry on top:

Delicious Irony: Trump Is The Only Living President NOT Descended From Slave-Owners

(Yes, that last one includes Barack Obama.)

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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