NYPD handcuffed with How Many Stops Act: Letters to the Editor — Feb. 2, 2024


The Issue: The City Council votes to override Mayor Adams’ veto of the How Many Stops Act.

By overriding Mayor Adams’ veto, all that City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams and her cohort accomplished was to weaken an already overburdened police department (“City pols’ vile veto,” Jan. 31).

Maybe this was her goal. The How Many Stops Act is another, indirect way to defund the NYPD. So much for listening to the voices of constituents, many of whom believed this bill to be a terrible idea for public safety. Those complaints fell on deaf ears.

Sean P. Kelly


Members of the City Council should get a taste of their own medicine.

I suggest that every member be required to do exactly what they are mandating the police do. Each council member should document every interaction they have with a citizen at the end of the day.
Our elected representatives must be fully transparent with the voters who put them there in the first place. Let’s see how efficient they become.

I’m all about transparency and fairness. But I also think the mayor’s veto should have been upheld, for the safety of all New Yorkers.

Jerry Bohne


I have lived in New York for 50 years and have never felt so threatened. The City Council is apparently opposed to law and order.

Our elected officials are making New York a difficult place to live.

Thomas Birnbaum


If I were still employed by the NYPD as a supervisor, the directive to my officers would be: “Keep yourselves and your colleagues safe.”

Those anti-cop buffoons in the council wanted a so-called “measure of transparency.” Instead, they will discover what happens to a city when its police force is hindered.

Good luck, brothers and sisters. Don’t ever sacrifice your safety for those anti-police legislators.

Ralph A. Manente


What’s the point of making police spend extra time recording the race, gender, and age of people they interact with?

Perhaps the council wants to show how the police are “racist.”

Melanie Coronetz


The Issue: Reports that UN employees participated in Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks against Israel.

Former President Donald Trump suspended funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, a decision President Biden reversed. Now funding has been cut off again (“12 UN workers ‘joined’ the attack,” Jan. 27).

It also took violence to get Biden to re-designate the Houthis as a terrorist organization, something Trump had done previously. But the most disturbing part of the allegations that UN staffers participated in the Oct. 7 attack is the prospect that US tax dollars may have sponsored the violence.

Marsha Motzen

Englewood, NJ

I would like to commend The Post for having the courage to publish what has been obvious for years: The United Nations is a pointless and outdated agency, riddled with corruption (“Defund the UN,” Jan. 30).

Defunding the UN would be a good start, but eventually, the organization must be disbanded and replaced.

The world order today is different from when the UN was founded after WWII — and has been for decades. Russia sits on the UN Security Council, with veto powers, and the Human Rights Council.
What a joke! Affiliate states of a global organization should protect civil liberties and basic human rights. The bar should be higher.

Daniel Kuncio


Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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