Night Cap: Does Don Lemon's New Deal on X Create a Problem for Musk-Hating Lefties? – JP


Don Lemon announced a deal to do a program on X, as have Tulsi Gabbard and some sports guy of whom I’ve never heard, but the addition of Lemon is of most interest. The former CNN critter will provide the left with an excuse to use the platform that Leomn callsthe biggest space for free speech in the world.”

The petty tyrants obsessed with censoring ideas with which they disagree have a problem. They’ve insisted that X, in its Musk-Owned post-government-controlled censorship state, would collapse, die, become a wasteland for hate, and a place for intolerant MAGA Republicans and Nazis as if Nazis don’t have free speech rights in America.

We don’t have to like it, but they do.

These progressive exhortations (in reality) prevent them from having to address how censorious platforms like Facebook and Instagram allow child pornography, pedophile rings, and child sex trafficking but not diverse opinions on the effectiveness of masks, lockdowns, or more invasive chemical interventions.

Laptops owned by Biden’s named Hunter or unsecured servers owned by Clinton’s named Hillary. These subjects are commonly referred to as election interference. And you’d be right to insist on a double standard, two sets of rules, or a two-tiered system of injustice, which the old X (when it was known as Twitter) would have had to filter, alter, shadow-ban, or censor.

And while there might be Nazis and child traffickers on X, it now has Don Lemon, who, regardless of his success there, has opened the door to more capable progressive commentators, all of whom have the right to speak their minds. The Lemon and I won’t agree on much, nor will I find a lot of common ground among most die-hard progressives, but if they flock to X to see Lemon and whoever follows his lead, they’ll need to rethink at least two problems—their hatred for Elon Musk and their position on X and Free Speech.

If it’s anything like the mental health crisis they had with unmasked people during COVID, the online therapy services stand to rake in a fortune.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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