New York Times Employees Have a Sad Over 'Transphobic' Piece the Paper Published


This reminds us of the employees of the New York Times having a meltdown when the paper published a piece by Sen. Tom Cotton encouraging President Donald Trump to send in troops to get control of the riots of the summer of 2020. Reporters jumped on the paper’s Slack channel and all started posting the same message: “Running this puts black New York Times staff in danger.”

On February 2, the New York Times committed an act of journalism by posting a piece by Pamela Paul on detransitioners and how some of them wished they’d been given more options when they were just children. The piece was titled, “As Kids, They Thought They Were Trans. They No Longer Do.” And that’s exactly what it was about.

Here’s how GLAAD interpreted it:

Washington Post media critic Erik Wemple posted one of the messages that had allegedly been deleted from the Times’ Slack channel.

“I mean, it just feels so degrading that we have in our workforce these very prominent colleagues who are openly transphobic and the transphobia is explicitly sanctioned by this company under the guise of just asking questions/’independent journalism’ when the views that we publish in the paper would absolutely violate harassment and discrimination policies if they were spoken out loud at another employee,” wrote one troubled reporter.


So Paul’s opinion piece was published under the excuse it was “just asking questions.” These are the same people who complain about “both sides” journalism. There’s only one right side.

That’s just one post. We’re sure the staffers had a long discussion on Slack about the opinion piece and what they should do about it. We suggest they all quit rather than stay in a workforce made up of “very prominent colleagues who are openly transphobic.” If the New York Times is too liberal for you, get out.


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