Nancy Pelosi LACKEY's Dig at Peter Doocy over Biden Goes SO WRONG He Tries Hiding Replies (Got the Best!)


Ok, so we get that Democrats are going to try and do what they can to make Biden look like less of a train wreck but … c’mon man. For example, last night during that dumpster fire of a presser, Peter Doocy became the target when he asked the president a question he SHOULD have been able to answer.

But couldn’t.

We’ve seen Biden get mean in plenty of interactions with the press, his staff, and even American citizens, but his behavior last night was just sad. So this post from Josh Sorbe (who we’d never heard of until he crossed our timeline) was even sadder.

And that’s probably why he started hiding all the replies.

Silly lil guy, don’t you know we can still see them AND if you hide them, we know they bothered you? THAT is Twitchy 101.

All the fodder!

Here are some of the best that he tried hiding:

We’re not entirely sure why he’d hide this one but seems he’s a bit sensitive.


Pretty big. Heh.


Indeed he did.

Poor lil fella. 

Maybe Twitter just isn’t for him.



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Editor’s Note: Hi there. I know it’s been some time since we changed this up but changing it up now to see if any of you read this far. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Also, if you are reading this far please sign up for Twitchy VIP and help us continue bringing you the truth, especially the truth Biden and his Big Tech goons don’t want us sharing.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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