Matt Walsh Makes Waves With Clip Stating That Buying Valentines Day Gifts Early is… Well, Just Watch


Matt Walsh is a character, of that there’s no denying. Although largely known for taking firm stances on very serious issues he also has been known to exhibit a pretty healthy sense of humor from time to time. And we have to assume that he was taking this sense of humor out for a spin in this clip that’s been making the rounds of Twitter today… but nonetheless the responses are great! 

First, the clip:

It’s of course possible that he meant this, but ripped from context it’s hard to tell. Regardless, many have been having fun with it.

Yeah, that would indeed be difficult to beat.


Of course there were a bunch of people who were taking this whole thing perhaps a bit too seriously…

But in case there was any doubt that this statement by Walsh may have been at least partially tongue in cheek, the man himself weighed in do double down on the deadpan humor:

Yeah, we’re pretty sure he’s joking.

Sarcastic dead pan humor is a long and proud comedy tradition, and it’s one that Walsh seems to excel at. Serious people who discuss serious topics are allowed to let their hair down and have a laugh from time to time too, okay? Of course there’s still the chance that he’s not joking, but given the cadence of his delivery we know what we’re betting on.

And if nothing else comes of this perhaps it will remind our readers that now is an excellent time to be thinking of something to buy as a Valentines gift for your spouse. A Valentines gift like, for instance…


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