Many US Cities Are Starting To Resemble Post-Apocalyptic Cesspools As America’s Collapse Accelerates – JP


For a moment, I would like you to take an imaginary tour of a major U.S. city with me, and I would like for you to try to guess which city I am talking about.

As you stroll along the sidewalks in the heart of this city, it seems like tents have been erected everywhere

Homelessness is completely and utterly out of control in this particular city, and even though city officials keep making more promises the crisis just continues to get worse.  As you continue your tour, you notice multiple addicts doing drugs right in front of you

Drug needles, human waste and other trash are strewn all over the place, and you wonder why nobody from the city has cleaned up the mess.  All of this filth has created a stench that is overpowering at times, and you try not to gag. 

As you travel deeper into the urban core of this city, you are shocked to see two men with guns carjack a woman a couple of blocks away.  Not wanting to get involved, you abruptly change direction.  You are startled when a couple of addicts that look like they were pulled straight out of a zombie movie start asking you for money, and you begin instinctively walking faster without even thinking about it. 

Unfortunately, you have stumbled into an alley that you should never have gone down, and you now find yourself completely surrounded by curious street people.  You try to make a break for it, but it is too late.

I’ll stop our imaginary tour right there.

Can you guess which major U.S. city I am talking about?

Sadly, the reality of the matter is that there are many U.S. cities that closely fit the description that I just gave you.  For example, Los Angeles was once one of the most beautiful cities on the entire planet, but today it is being described as a “squalid cesspool”…- READ MORE

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