Kyung-In Women’s University Nurtures Female Talents With Professional Occupation In Korea | Malaysia World News


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Kyung –In Women’s University (KIWU) was established with the educational goals of nurturing female talents with professional occupations who practice sharing and caring with the right values, understand Korea and the international community and have capabilities to pursue future innovation.

The university that was founded by Chang Ki Park in 1955 had a long history of empowering women through education and currently formed an up to date approach by cultivating challenging mind set, not being afraid of trying new things, and creating own values through practices that increase confidence and self strength.

“We help you move forward as talents prepared for the future that the world needs,’’ said the university in its prospectus.
The university upholds the slogan of 3Ups – Wake Up (Realizing the New), Make Up (Increasing My Value) and Raise Up (Advancing into the World).

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One of the many stone sculptures found in front of Kyung-In Women’s University in Incheon, Korea.

Meanwhile, 15 international journalists who are members of the Asia Journalists Association (AJA) visited KIWU on April 30, 2024, the last leg of the trip of events in Incheon, the metropolitan city of South Korea.

The AJA delegation was headed by President Mr. Ashraf Aboul Yazid while Founder President Mr. Lee Sang-ki was received warmly by the officials of the university. In the meeting room the journalists were introduced to Mr. Yook Dong In, President of the university, Kyungok Park, Director Office of International Affairs, and Professor, Department of Airline Services and other directors including Yong Hee Park, Oh Ju Young and Yoon Kweon Soo.

“Currently 4,000 students are enrolled in different departments at the university,” the AJA delegation was told.

The university’s programmes are specialised for employment and start-ups being operated.

With efforts to enhance the basic competency of students, the university is able to be ranked at the top among women’s universities nationwide with an employment rate of 71.0% (based on University Information Disclosure 2019).

“We started at 67.5% in 2014 and have been increasing every year, drawing an upward curve.

“We help new students adapt the university life through psychological consultation such as personality type tests and self-analysis programmes conducted after admission.

“We also offer job recommendation and job placement services tailored to each individual by conducting competency development consultations for students such as aptitude tests and job competency tests during the semester based on personal data.

“We also encourage students to participate in event such as Job Design Festival, mock start up activities and start up contests hosted by the Startup Support Center so they no longer have fear of starting their own businesses and focus on cultivating talents who will lead the Fourth Industrial Era,” the prospectus said.

Kyung-In Women’s University maintains good relationship with universities in 20 countries including United States, Canada, Australia, Britain, New Zealand, Hungary, Mongolia, China, Russia, the Philippines and Cambodia and continue to engage in active exchanges.

“Through the exchange student system with universities around the world, we help students to learn the local culture and language of the foreign countries and get credits by taking major courses.

“Rather than just staying in Korea, we want to inspire students with confidence in globalization by providing opportunities to live in the world culture,” said the prospectus.

Overseas Internship, an innovative programme unique to KIWU to strengthen global capabilities is a programme that runs for 8 weeks of language training and 8 weeks of overseas internship. In 2019, 13 students were employed overseas.

At KIWU, 75% of the students are receiving scholarships from various systems prepared with the goal of “making sure that students are not prevented from graduating for financial reasons.”

According to the analysis of the University Basic Competency Diagnosis in the 2018 academic year, KIWU had a much higher per capita scholarship payment rate than the average of all universities.

The national scholarship supported by KIWU is about KRW 12 billion every year and the scholarship prepared by KIWU itself accounts for more than KRW 5 billion. KIWU ranks the top 5 among 136 vocational universities nationwide and has more than enough to invest in the education and welfare of students.

Meanwhile, KIWU conducts many courses in various departments. The departments include Nursing, Health and Welfare; Knowledge Management; Design and Beauty; Babies and Children; Tourism, Airline Service and Hotel; IT and Broadcasting.

The success of KIWU is also based on the awards received by the professors due to their excellent work in the departments they are attached.

The Operating Teaching Staff Nurturing Education System has received an Award from the Minister of Education; Improving Awareness of the Disabled received an Award from the Minister of Health and Welfare; Early Detection and Diagnosis of Students in Crisis Through Psychological Diagnosis received the Prime Minister Award, received the Presidential Citation for a person of merit in preventing industrial accidents, received an Award from the Minister of Justice for contribution to correctional activities of inmates and Award from the Minister of Korea Forest Service for contributing to the development of forest therapy personnel.

According to the founder of KIWU, Changgi Baek/ Honorary President Gilja Kim, the founding ideology of KIWU is to foster female talents necessary for the development of national industry based on the fundamental ideology of Korean education and the Christian spirit of justice, love, truth and creation. –Malaysia World News

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