Kamala Harris Continues Her Abortion Celebration Tour, Heads to Michigan to Applaud Killing Babies


Kamala Harris is continuing her abortion celebration tour across America. Next week she is heading to Michigan to celebrate killing babies and will meet with local abortion activists to applaud them for approving Proposition 3, which will allow the killing of unborn children in abortions up to birth.

Harris is planning to make a stop in Grand Rapids on February 22nd and it will be Harris’ fourth stop a month after her nationwide tour kicked off on January in Wisconsin. According to a press release her office distributed, Harris will condemn pro-life Americans as “extremists” for wanting to protect women and babies from abortion.

Harris support abortions up to birth, financed at taxpayer expense, and without limits.

Last month she literally clapped for killing babies in abortions. During a stop in Wisconsin to promote abortion, Harris leads a round of applause for a woman and her husband who traveled to Minnesota to get an abortion.

Harris then lied about women supposedly not getting medical care in non-abortion circumstances.

“Let us understand the horrific reality that women are facing every single day since Roe was overturned,” Harris said. “I have met women who have had miscarriages in toilets because they were refused care. I met a woman who went to the emergency room during a miscarriage and was turned away because doctors were afraid they would be thrown in jail for giving her care.”

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“The extremists are not done,” Harris said, condemning pro-life legislation to protect more babies.

She then attacked Donald Trump and condemned him for appointing the justices who overturned Roe and allowed states to protect babies from abortion.

“The former president hand-picked three Supreme Court Justices because he intended for them to overturn Roe. He made a decision to take your freedoms and it is a decision he does not regret,” Harris said.

But most Americans strongly disagree with Harris’ radical views pushing abortions up to birth.

A new national poll conducted by Marist University finds that two-thirds of Americans support pro-life laws that place limits on abortions.

The 2024 Knights of Columbus-Marist Poll results, released today, reveal that 66% of Americans support placing legal limits on abortion, and that nearly 6 in 10 support limiting abortions to the first three months of pregnancy.

This survey, conducted by the Marist Poll also found that 83% of Americans support pregnancy resource centers, which offer support to mothers both during their pregnancy and after their baby is born.

Additionally, the poll found that two-thirds of Americans believe healthcare professionals with religious objections to abortions should not be legally required to perform them, while 86% of respondents believe that laws can protect both the mother and her unborn child.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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