Jimmy Kimmel Says Joe Biden Having Dementia Is Just a 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory'


“Comedian” Jimmy Kimmel said that claims President Joe Biden might have dementia was nothing more than a “crazy conspiracy theory.”

Kimmel was discussing assertions by Trump supporters that the NFL might be involved in promoting Swift as part of a voter recruitment strategy to help Biden beat Trump, which he claimed was another conspiracy theory.

However, the New York Times reported that the Biden campaign has a Taylor Swift strategy, which could involve Biden appearing at one of Swift’s concerts before the 2024 election.

Kimmel began his monologue by calling Vivek Ramaswamy a “clown who ran for president” who added his nut voice to the chorus of cuckoos” surrounding speculation over Swift being a Democrat operative.

He went on to characterize the belief that Joe Biden is suffering from early onset dementia as “some serious crazy talk” being pushed by Republicans.

“So let me get this straight,” Kimmel began.

“The same people who believe Joe Biden has dementia and needs Kamala Harris to feed him butterscotch tapioca every night also believe that he has somehow planned and executed a diabolically brilliant scheme to fix the NFL playoffs so the biggest pop star in the world could pop up on the Jumbotron during the Super Bowl during a Kia and a Tostitos commercial to hypnotize her 11-year-old fans into voting for Joe Biden?”

“These people think football is fake and wrestling is real,” he added.


But Kimmel’s attempt to brush off Biden’s obvious cognitive decline with the more nebulous claim that NFL games are being rigged appears to be another media attempt to dismiss something real that is hurting Biden’s poll numbers.

According to a CNN poll released last year, 56 percent of Democrats and 73 percent of Americans are seriously concerned about Biden’s mental health.

For more context, here is a video montage of Biden’s declining mental capacity:

Last year, former White House doctor Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Md.) demanded that Biden take a cognitive test or drop out of his recently announced 2024 presidential race.

The Daily Fetched reported:

Jackson has been calling into question Biden’s cognitive ability for years. He has now renewed his calls for the President to take a mental evaluation in the wake of seeking reelection.

In a letter obtained by The New York Post, Jackson wrote:

“We call on you to either resign immediately and renounce your bid for reelection or submit to a clinically validated cognitive screening assessment and make those results available to the public,” the letter, which is addressed to Biden, says.

Jackson also insisted it is imperative Joe Biden take a cognitive test due to his gaffes, and abysmal poll numbers, all of which show Biden’s mental health is under scrutiny.

The vast majority of voters have expressed their belief that Biden’s declining mental capacity means he is not capable of seeing another term because

According to a Harvard Harris Poll, Biden suffers from a growing perception that he is no longer mentally fit to serve as commander-in-chief.

The poll found less than one-third — 32 percent — of respondents believe that Biden is mentally fit to serve as President.

READ: Top Dems Secretly Planning to throw Biden Under Bus Before 2024 Announcement

Las Vegas News Magazine

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