Israel Breached UN Genocide Convention, South Africa Tells The International Court At First Hearing | Malaysia World News


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THE HAGUE: Israel is committing the crime of genocide, South Africa told the International Court of Justice (ICJ) at the first hearing that started yesterday.

South Africa had made the appeal to the ICJ to urge Tel Aviv regime to immediately suspend the military operation that is entering its fourth month in Gaza Strip.

Pretoria alleged Israel had breached the United Nations Genocide Convention on the first day of the trial.

The strong affiliate of the United States of America (USA) however had rejected the case and regarded it as “unreasonable” and pledged to present its defence on Friday (today).

“The counter attack launched by Israel on 7th October 2023 had crossed the line and dissolute the commitment under the convention that was agreed in 1984,” said Minister of Justice, Ronald Lamola as reported by AFP.

The brutal bombing campaigns launched by the Zionist regime since three months ago had killed 23,357 people.

Meanwhile, the famous South African lawyer, Adila Hassim said the Israel’s military operation was haphazard aimed at destroying the lives of the Palestine people causing them to be at the brink of starvation.

He said even though the genocide crime has not been verified but the court could see the evidence since 13 weeks ago which cannot be denied and had shown clearly the cruel mass killings of the people.

Since the war started in Gaza, Pretoria had disconnected its diplomatic ties with Israel as a response to the inhumane, cruelties and atrocities toward the people in Gaza.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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