Interested in Fighting for Parental Rights and Against Library Lewdness? – JP


Rep Arlene Quaratiello vented to me last night that the House Children and Family Law Committee gave her bill, HB 1308, the ITL with a 13-2 vote.  Arlene, as you can see on her home page here, is a librarian and has made a few Grok contributions as well.

The bill she sponsored, HB 1308, falls under the hot issue of parental rights.

It also sends my mind 40+ years back in time to share a personal story. At the request of my then-best friend, I loaned her my library card when she saw a book she wanted to check out. Being the dutiful friend, I obliged her without even caring what the book was or her trustworthiness in returning it on time. A few weeks later, a postcard from the library arrived that said, “Please return the overdue book, Can You Sue Your Parents for Malpractice? by Paula Danziger,” during the day while I was at school.

At the time, I didn’t even know what malpractice was.  When I got home, my mother was furious, but I was equally furious at my friend for letting me get thrown under the bus by her irresponsibility.  Also, at the time, I didn’t know what conspiracy theorists were, and I got my first taste of conspiracy theory when my father came home from work a while later.

He accused my friend of plotting against them. Let it be known that this incident does not make for any family baggage but rather current humor because I haven’t so much as thought about it for decades.  It just goes with the territory of having a good memory.  And I never did read that book though I did read Danziger’s other book, The Cat Ate My Gymsuit, because its feline title got my attention.  Danziger’s books are appropriate for a youth section rather than on the shelf next to the Da Vinci Code.

Fortunately, there was no fine, and there is no “Mr Bookman” stalking me today.

My overdue book experience was from long ago and not so far away, when my mother knew the librarian and often ran into her around town. The local kids always knew that the library staff could and often would phone parents to report misbehavior when they saw fit.  Today, in the city, not even the Freedom of Information Act could help inquisitive parents.

Parents do have the right to inspect their kids’ library records.  As a property tax-gouged Granite Stater without kids, I support Arlene’s bill.  It’s a real shame that the House committee that received it doesn’t feel the same way.  This is the committee with a name that would suggest fighting for the family unit rather than the advancement of Marxism.  One might want to look into the Speaker’s feelings about the family unit because of how that committee is comprised, but there’s enough discussion on that for another time.

I’ll give you a free taste by mentioning that its vice chair is a Democrat, as is the nasty hypocrite clerk who took to the mic at a House Education Committee hearing against SB 272 (2023 – establishing a parents’ bill of rights in education).  Kudos to the two dissenting members, one of them being the election security reform advocate Sandra Panek. Sandra requested membership in the Election Law Committee, along with five other incoming freshmen who were/are essentially seasoned experts, but she was funneled into Children and Family Law, and the five others were sent elsewhere.

And while on the topics of parental rights and Library Lewdness and what the enemy camp might call “book banning,” the “other side of the wall” is also doing the people’s work of a similar nature.  My senator sponsored SB 523, which received some unwanted NTU attention.

If you would like to learn more about Granite State Library Lewdness and want to join forces with like-minded people, start here.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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