Illinois Gov. Pritzker Serves Up a Sanctuary State 'How It Started / How It's Going' Hall of Famer


Before Joe Biden ended up in the White House, he made it clear that if he were to be elected, people who wanted to get into the U.S. illegally should “immediately surge to the border,” and boy did they! Biden and his DHS have been letting them in by the millions ever since. 

Around that time, Democrats in many cities and some states declared their areas “sanctuaries” for people in the country illegally. In November of 2022, Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker said that his state would be a “beacon of hope” for everybody, even illegal immigrants: 

Fast forward to the first couple weeks of January 2024 and how is that working out for him?

Here’s where things stand now — can you say “backfire”?

Gee, what happened? Isn’t Pritzker just getting what he wanted?


Another day brings with it another Democrat who doesn’t want to be exposed to the effects of the kinds of policies he supports.

Yep, Pritzker’s “pleading” with the wrong person:

Do any reporters ever ask sanctuary city mayors or sanctuary state mayors complaining about being flooded with illegals if they no longer consider themselves to be “sanctuary” areas?



Pritzker begs ‘someone’ to stop Texas from sending immigrants to blue cities


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Las Vegas News Magazine

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