House Republicans To Begin Mayorkas Impeachment Hearing


The House Homeland Security Committee will commence impeachment proceedings against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on January 10.

The committee’s chairman, Mark Green, said:

“Our investigation made clear that this crisis finds its foundation in Secretary Mayorkas’ decision-making and refusal to enforce the laws passed by Congress, and that his failure to fulfill his oath of office demands accountability.”

“The bipartisan House vote in November to refer articles of impeachment to my Committee only served to highlight the importance of our taking up the impeachment process – which is what we will begin doing next Wednesday.”

The news comes amid never-before-seen numbers at the border in December, which reached a record of 302,000.

As Breitbart reported: In November, the House sidelined a resolution from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) to impeach the embattled Secretary by referring it to the committee by a 209-201 vote.

A frustrated Greene forced a vote on her privileged resolution after two of her constituents were killed in Texas in a head-on collision with a car driven by a human smuggler evading police.

Border security will be a significant issue in 2024.

As The outlet noted:

In the upper chamber, Senate negotiators continue working towards a compromise pairing tens of billions in foreign aid with a border security package. Negotiators are working with the political reality that House Republicans insist they want the House-passed H.R. 2, perhaps the most significant border security package passed by a congressional chamber in decades, as the baseline for a compromise.

House GOP insistence on pairing aid to Ukraine and Israel with a truly substantive border security package has led Senate Republican foreign policy hawks – including many who have historically given little more than lip service to the need to secure the border – to call for meaningful changes in border policy.

The dynamics have encouraged border hawks, who rightly see the fervent desire to continue funding the war in Ukraine of the internationalist wing of the party as the best leverage in years to enact meaningful policy reform.

As The Daily Fetched reported in November:

Foreign-born citizens in America have reached almost 50 million, primarily spiked by Joe Biden’s wide open border.

More simply, almost 15% of America’s total population is now foreign-born.

The surge came during the U.S.-Mexico border crisis under Biden’s liberal policies, according to the US Census Bureau.

The number is likely much higher because the “Current Population Survey” of foreign-born residents does account for those who have escaped border patrol.

CIS Research Director Steven Camarota and CIS Demographer Karen Zeigler wrote:

“More than half (2.5 million) of the 4.5 million increase in the foreign-born population since January 2021 is likely due to illegal immigration.”

“If adjusted for those missed by the survey, the increase would be larger.”

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Las Vegas News Magazine

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