House Republicans mock photo of first lady Jill Biden ‘prepping’ for G7 summit — and leftists hit back hard – JP


House Republicans wasted no time mocking a photo of first lady Jill Biden “prepping for the G7” summit that appeared on her official Twitter page Wednesday:

And what did the House GOP wonder in response?

It’s a fair question, especially given longstanding chatter about what many say is the diminished cognitive state of her husband, President Joe Biden.

Jill Biden has been a constant presence at Joe Biden’s side since before the election, and questions have come up regarding how much she’s helping her husband get through his public appearances.

On Wednesday she told Biden to “pay attention” as she spoke to American service members stationed in the United Kingdom. While sympathetic news outlets passed it off as a joke between the couple, the photo of her “prepping for the G7” may have been a bit much for Republican House members.- READ MORE

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