GOP Working To Fight Biden's Scheme To Have Southern Border Wide Open ⋆ JP


As part of the Republican Party’s campaign to protect Americans through a secure border with Mexico, they are pushing for a ban that would prevent the feds from removing razor wire the state of Texas has installed to protect its citizens.

A report from Fox News explains the plan is from Rep. Mike Collins, R-Ga.

His legislation would ban federal authorities from removing razor wire or other barriers from the U.S.-Mexico border.

That follows a narrow ruling from the Supreme Court that said federal agents could, in fact, endanger Texans by taking down the security barrier.

Does Texas have a constitutional right to defy Supreme Court on protecting its border?

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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has been in a pitched battle with Joe Biden and has dispatched the state National Guard to protect state citizens from the invasion that Biden has allowed to come across the border.

”President Biden is aiding and abetting illegal aliens who are swarming our border and raiding our country’s resources,” Collins explained. “Why else would he try to stop the state of Texas from turning them back to Mexico?”

The proposed Restricting Administration Zealots from Obliging Raiders, or “RAZOR,” Act specifically prevents federal authorities like Customs and Border Protection from removing barriers erected by any state.

Biden has demanded that federal agents cut the barriers state officials have put in place to protect the state’s citizens.

Following the Supreme Court decision, Abbott also pointed out that Biden had failed to uphold the nation’s compact with Texas “by allowing an invasion of millions of illegal immigrants under the Biden administration.

Abbott charged, “The Executive Branch of the United States has a constitutional duty to enforce federal laws protecting states, including immigration laws on the books right now. President Biden has refused to enforce those laws and has even violated them.”

IMPORTANT NOTE TO WND READERS: For America’s ruling elites, nothing is more precious, wonderful and life-giving to their great cause than the Jan. 6, 2021 “insurrection” at the U.S. Capitol. It’s irrelevant that the events didn’t come remotely close to constituting an actual “insurrection,” or that both police and over 200 undercover FBI assets provoked the riot – which Tucker Carlson calls a “set-up.” Yet Vice President Kamala Harris still insists the minor riot was just as horrific as the 9/11 terror attacks and Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.

WHY are the elites doing this?

It’s not just because convicting, imprisoning, torturing and destroying the lives of hundreds of Trump supporters is meant to terrify and intimidate millions of Americans into submission. And it’s not just because activist judges and bureaucrats in over 30 states are absurdly trying to keep Trump off their state’s election ballots by citing the 14th Amendment’s prohibition against anyone who “engaged in insurrection” from holding elective office.

It’s because the elites’ destruction of America is so rapid, horrendous and obvious that they feel compelled to turn their opponents into monsters – or lose power at the next election. But that doesn’t mean just calling conservatives and Christians “racists,” “white supremacists,” “radical extremists” and “domestic terrorists” as they do continually. They know much more is needed.

Question: What if, far from being horrified by a half-baked riot they absurdly claim is worse than any domestic disturbance since the Civil War, the left actually LOVES the idea of violence on the right – the worse the better – since it perfectly serves their agenda? Increasingly, all the evidence strongly suggests today’s power-mad leftist elites not only intend to intimidate and discredit their political opponents by calling them terrorists, they mean to provoke actual violence.

The secret strategies and shocking tactics of today’s ascendant far-left elites are exposed as perhaps never before in the January issue of WND’s critically acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine, headlined “INCITING VIOLENCE: DEMS’ SECRET STRATEGY FOR STAYING IN POWER.”

WHISTLEBLOWER is available in both the popular print edition and a state-of-the-art digital version, either single issues or discounted annual subscriptions.

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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