Freed Israeli Hostage Says She Witnessed Torture, Sex Abuse


An Israeli former hostage on Tuesday said she witnessed torture and sexual abuse at the hands of Hamas, in the latest horror story of the terrorists’ treatment of abductees from the Oct. 7 attacks.

“One of the girls came back after she went to the restroom for a moment, and I saw on her face that she was upset, so I got up and hugged her,” said Aviva Siegel at a hearing of Israel’s Knesset, where she added that one of her captors stopped her from comforting the distraught girl.

“I noticed that she became silent,” Siegel went on. “She wasn’t herself, and, forgive me for my language, but that son of a b— touched her, and he didn’t even let me hug her after it happened.”

Siegel also recounted the torture of another woman the terrorists believed was a member of the Israel Defense Forces.

“There was another case of someone coming in who they thought was a soldier, an officer in the army, and they tortured her next to me, and I saw it,” she said. “I witnessed what was happening there. It’s simply disastrous.”

Siegel’s testimony is the latest account of Hamas captors severely mistreating the hostages they took in their Oct. 7 terror attacks on Israel, which killed about 1,200 people, mostly civilians.

Last week, one hostage, Mia Schem, recounted in an interview that Hamas members put her inside a dark room “with a terrorist watching me 24/7, raping me with his eyes,” estimating that she may have slept an hour per night for the 54 days she was in captivity.

An Israeli doctor in December who treated freed hostages said that 10 of them faced sexual abuse, and, that same month, the uncle of two boys who were released from captivity said Hamas used a hot motorcycle exhaust to brand child hostages.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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