Fauci Makes Stunning Admissions as GOP Criminal Referral Looms


Former top immunologist Dr. Anthony Fauci made some sobering admissions during closed-door testimony last week amid Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and other Republican leader’s efforts to hold him accountable.

On Friday, the Federalist reported, “The former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases faced tough questions from the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, and his answers confirmed many of the worst fears of those in the medical community who spoke out during his reign of terror.”

According to the outlet, Fauci’s testimony took place in private, and “the subcommittee provided an overview of the most salient points.”

The committee highlighted three of the most notable statements.

The Federalist added:

“First, Fauci admitted that Covid-19 policies were not grounded in science, confessing that the six feet of social distancing, ‘sort of just appeared.’ Anyone who was ordered to stand an arbitrary distance apart on a jet bridge only to be packed into a plane face to jowl had reached this commonsense conclusion long ago.”

This was a major reversal for Fauci, who famously assured Americans he was “following the science.”

“During his congressional testimony, Fauci finally conceded that Covid vaccine mandates could make people more broadly vaccine-hesitant,” The Federalist noted further, bringing up the second significant admission.

“Using the levers of government to force citizens to take an untested vaccine rushed to market under the banner of ‘warp speed’ was never a wise idea. Accusing dissenters of ‘spreading misinformation’ and subjecting them to loss of livelihood and mass ridicule compounded the error.”

The outlet also noted:

“Lastly, Fauci still refuses to accept accountability for his mistakes. He said he’s still “not convinced” lockdowns hurt kids, despite children suffering an “unprecedented drop in performance” in math and reading scores. According to the federal government, reading test scores among nine-year-olds fell to their lowest point in 30 years, while math scores fell for the first time ever. No one expects perfection from their leaders, but the stubborn refusal to look in the mirror and take responsibility is more than just arrogant — it’s harmful for the ability to fix the problem.”

Meanwhile, on Sunday, Republican Senator Rand Paul said Fauci should be imprisoned for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Paul made the remarks during an appearance on WABC 770 AM’s “The Cats Roundtable.”

“For his dishonesty, frankly, he should go to prison. Do you think the scientific knowledge that was gained from this research was worth the deaths of 20 million people?” Paul said to host John Catsimatidis, referring to Fauci.

“If you lie to Congress, and you’re dishonest, and you won’t accept responsibility. For his mistake in judgment, he should just be pilloried. He should never be accepted.”

The Republican Senator also slammed Fauci’s decision-making during the pandemic.

“History should judge him as a deficient person who made one of the worst decisions in public health history — in the entire history of the world,” he added.

Last month, we reported that Fauci would receive a prestigious Namori Ethics Prize from the Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence at Case Western Reserve University for “greatly improving the condition of humankind.”

According to the press release from Case Western, Fauci has “saved millions of lives.”

READ: Rand Paul Blasts “Retired” Fauci for Being “Treated like a President” with Taxpayer-Funded Security

Las Vegas News Magazine

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