Fani Wiped From Fulton Cross-Exam After Shower-Shi**ing Testimony | JP


Fani Wiped From Fulton Cross-Exam After Shower-Shi**ing Testimony

“You think I’m on trial. I’m not on trial no matter how hard you try to put me on trial,” ~Fani Willis


Perhaps the biggest takeaway from yesterday’s testimony from Fulton County DA Fani Willis and her (now outed) secret lover she paid at least $600K to be special counsel was a national exhibition of the quality of people going after Donald Trump.

For starters, Willis exploded in anger on the witness stand Thursday, accusing [Donald Trump’s] defense attorney Ashleigh Merchant of lying about her relationship with Nathan Wade.

[Note from (TLB) If video does not load click on upper RT “Watch on X “

“Let’s be clear, because you’ve lied,” Willis yelled, waving documents around. “It is a lie! It is a lie!”

“You think I’m on trial. I’m not on trial no matter how hard you try to put me on trial,” Willis continued.

She also claimed that she wasn’t a hostile witness, and that Merchant’s interests were “contrary to democracy.”

Willis may have also admitted to campaign fraud while discussing the copious amounts of cash she makes it a habit of keeping on hand (which she claims – without evidence, she used to reimburse Nathan Wade for their romantic getaways).

She claimed that She ‘don’t do my friends like that,’ and always pays them back – so you see, she totally didn’t receive a ‘benefit’ after paying Wade with taxpayer funds to go after Trump.

And so it’s no surprise that Fani’s Friday testimony was nixed from today’s schedule. As Just the News reports;

The second day of the hearing regarding Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ relationship with special prosecutor Nathan Wade began on Friday with the remaining witnesses expected to testify, as Willis was not brought back to the witness stand.

The hearing started on Thursday, with Willis testifying as a defense witness that she didn’t know she was required to disclose her romantic relationship with Wade to the county. Willis was originally supposed to be cross-examined by her prosecution team on Friday, but the prosecution chose to not bring her back to testify.

Earlier in the week, judge Scott McAfee suggested that Willis could be disqualified in her case against Trump.

“I think it’s clear that disqualification can occur if evidence is produced demonstrating an actual conflict or the appearance of one, and the filings submitted on this issue so far have been presented a conflict in the evidence that cannot be resolved,” said the judge.


Dems’ best chess move is to nuke Fani and lag on her replacement so Trump’s trial is delayed an his guilt is an open question going into his next term, should he win once again. Also, do not google ‘waffle stomp.’


(TLB) published this video/report from ZeroHedge as compiled and written by Tyler Duren

Header featured image (edited) credit: Willis/org. ZH article

Emphasis added by (TLB)



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