Effort To Amend Constitution To Protect Traditional Marriage And The Right To Use Cash Underway In Romania


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An initiative to change the Constitution via referendum has been launched in Romania. Led by a citizens group called the “Coalition for the Constitution”, the initiative aims to revise the Constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman, and to enshrine the right to use cash in monetary transaction in the country’s constitution.

Specifically, the group seeks to amend article 48 paragraph (1) to replace the term “spouses” with the phrase “a man and a woman,” and to amend articles 45 and 137 to introduce the right to use cash in any monetary transactions.

This would be the second referendum to change the Constitution so that the definition of marriage is “the union of one man and one woman.” A 2018 initiative resulted in a referendum, but did not meet the quorum as only 22% of citizens with the right to vote went to the polls. The minimum percentage needed is 30%. Of these, however, over 90% voted in favor of changing the Constitution.

Recent developments have motivated this new referendum initiative. Last year, the unelected globalist European Court of Human Rights has decided that Romania must legalize “civil unions” between people of the same sex, the first step towards accepting LGBT marriage. The protection of the right to use cash came into discussion after the globalist PSD-PNL government tried to drastically limit the use of cash through several laws.

Romania’s leading opposition party, the Alliance for the Union of Romanians, has announced that it will support the campaign to amend the Constitution to defend marriage between a man and a woman and protect the right to cash. The initiators will have to collect at least 500,000 signatures from citizens for a referendum to be held.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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