Drew Barrymore, Who Knelt Before Dylan Mulvaney, Now Worships at the Altar of Michelle Obama


Sigh … can’t Drew Barrymore just stick to making funny Paramount + Super Bowl commercials with Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Creed? 

It appears not, unfortunately. 

Yes, we regret to inform you that Barrymore, previously a kneeling acolyte to the gender cult deity Dylan Mulvaney, has found a new altar and brazen god to whom she can prostrate herself: none other than Michelle Obama. 

In the brief clip below, Barrymore is talking with Obama about the former First Lady’s SECOND autobiography ‘The Light We Carry.’ (Good Lord, how many do you need?) 

In a truly bizarre moment, Barrymore wishes that the politician’s wife — who, oh by the way, hates America and is ashamed of her country unless her husband is in charge of it — was her own mother.

WTAF? A pure pagan worship ritual right there. 

And what is it with leftists these days and their moms? On Tuesday morning, Joe Scarborough shamefully pretended that he couldn’t remember the year his mother died to try to defend Joe Biden’s failing memory about the death of his son Beau. Now, Barrymore is throwing her mother under the bus as well in favor of Obama.

Oh, and her sister too. Which sister did you want to replace, Drew? Jessica or Blythe? Wonder how they feel about you yearning that you had a better family. 

That scene was downright creepy in Boogie Nights and it is no less creepy here. 

It’s not just crazy, it is legitimately frightening. 


Bad news on that one. When the dictatorship happens, you’ll not only have to see it, you’ll be forced to participate in it. Just ask Xi Van Fleet about the Chinese Cultural Revolution.

This kind of craziness goes way beyond political parties or presidential candidates. We have a serious mental health problem in America. (Of course, Barrymore, who grew up in Hollywood, has always been a little bit of a nutbar.)

It is not a coincidence that she embraces the book to her heart like a Bible. She holds it — and Obama — sacred. Celebrity is her religion.

We got nothin’, Chevy. Absolutely nothin’.

They may jettison Biden, true, but it has been reported that Obama does not want to run and will not run. We hope that holds up over the next nine months. 

Obama did look like she was cringing a bit. But it must be uncomfortable for her to hear this praise. After all, if everyone keeps telling her how much they love her, how can she keep claiming to be an ‘oppressed victim of America’s systemically racist society’?

We’re sure she’ll find a way. 

As for Barrymore … we’d recommend therapy. And lots of it. 

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