Decapitated DJ’s body found in Memphis


Rick Buchanan, a popular DJ from Memphis, Tennessee, known as “Slick Rick,” was discovered decapitated in his home on Wednesday.

According to Fox 13, the DJ’s brother, John Buchanan, discovered his body at roughly 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday at his residence in the Berclair neighborhood of Memphis.

John Buchanan told Fox 13, “I walked in and found him, and I just called 911.”

Describing the shocking discovery, the DJ’s brother added, “I thought his coat was up over his head like he was cold or something. I ran out, and then I ran back in and I noticed that it wasn’t that, that it was something worse.”

According to The Sun, John Buchanan went to the DJ’s house after receiving a call from one of his brother’s neighbors. After arriving at the house, John Buchanan discovered the back door was open and found Rick Buchanan’s dog running around the yard unattended.

“A lot of things were weird,” John Buchanan said. “He had his keys still in his hand. His pants were pulled down to his feet, and the back door was wide open, so that’s the weird stuff.”

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According to Fox 13, the Memphis Police Department is investigating the cause of Rick’s death and is potentially looking into who might have killed the popular Memphis DJ.

While Rick Buchanan worked as a popular DJ in the Memphis region for multiple decades, John Buchanan told Fox 13 that his brother’s life was completely changed after the DJ was shot near a club in 2014.

John Buchanan explained that “Slick Rick” became increasingly withdrawn from the outside world and preferred to stay at home with his dog Lucky. John Buchanan told Fox 13 that his family is now planning to adopt his brother’s dog.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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