Critical Race Theory ‘Is Racist,’ China Used ‘Wokeness’ To Install Communism – JP


A Chinese woman who survived the brutal Chinese communist regime of dictator Mao Zedong is warning Americans that the same things that happened during the Chinese Cultural Revolution are now happening in the United States.

Xi Van Fleet, whose impassioned speech to a Virginia school board went viral earlier this week, joined Fox News host Sean Hannity on Thursday night to further elaborate on the similarities between what happened in China and what is happening in the U.S. right now.

“Okay, I just want to let the American people know that what’s going on in our school and in our country is really a replay of the Cultural Revolution in China, and I want people to see the similarities and the similarities are terrifying,” Van Fleet said. “They use the same ideology, and same methodology, even the same vocabulary. And with the same goal. The ideology is Cultural Marxism. And we were divided into groups as the oppressor and oppressed. And here we use race, and they’re the use class. And the people here who have a different review, were labeled racist. But in the Cultural Revolution, the label is counterrevolutionary. So it is a hat that fits all. And once the hat is on your head, your life is ruined.” – READ MORE

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