Comedian Alex Stein assaulted by ‘trans for Palestine’ activists at UT Austin


Blaze Media host and comedian Alex Stein was assaulted and robbed during a pro-Gaza event at the University of Texas at Austin on Sunday, which was hosted by an LGBTQ group.

Stein had his phone stolen and was assaulted in the process, video footage revealed.

The incident occurred after Stein confronted the group and asked them to explain their support for Palestinian territory despite Hamas having a history of executing LGBTQ people.

“We’re here at UT Austin and trans people are out here protesting for Palestine,” Stein said into his camera.

“But don’t Palestinians throw gay people off roofs?” he questioned.

A member of the group then said to Stein, “Can you please leave?”

The “Primetime with Alex Stein” host rejected the request and asked the group if pride parades would be allowed in Palestine. An aggressive mob then formed around him, the video showed.

His question was interrupted by an individual who approached him from behind, stole his phone, and physically assaulted him in the process.

Stein fought back in self-defense and was able to retrieve his phone. However, he was assaulted a second time and was pulled to the ground by his attacker. A scuffle then broke out.

The Blaze Media host sprang back up on his feet and ran after the suspect before deciding to leave the event.

This comes after chaos ensued on campus on Wednesday when students attempted to create an anti-Israel Gaza encampment, which was immediately dismantled by Texas police. Several people were arrested after authorities issued multiple dispersal orders which were met with resistance and exacerbated tensions.

The protest spread like wildfire across social media, which promoted a heated response from Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

“Arrests being made right now & will continue until the crowd disperses. These protesters belong in jail. Antisemitism will not be tolerated in Texas. Period,” Abbott wrote on X.

“Students joining in hate-filled, antisemitic protests at any public college or university in Texas should be expelled,” he continued.

Abbott was blasted by many on X for the poorly worded statement that suggested he believed antisemitism itself was an arrestable offense.

Dr. Aaron Voyles, executive director of student involvement, and Melissa Jones-Wommack, acting executive director of student conduct and academic integrity, released a joint statement and said: “Simply put, The University of Texas at Austin will not allow this campus to be ‘taken’ and protesters to derail our mission in ways that groups affiliated with your national organization have accomplished elsewhere.”

Many pro-Gaza students have not yet complied with the university’s orders and protests on campus remain ongoing.


Las Vegas News Magazine

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