Charlie Kirk speaks at Turning Point Action’s ‘Win Every Vote’ rally, says Nebraska ‘could pick a president’


Turning Point Action and the Nebraska Freedom Coalition hosted the “Win Every Vote Rally” on Tuesday night, during which Charlie Kirk emphasized that the state could be the deciding factor to “pick a president” in the 2024 election. The rally was in support of shifting the state to a “winner-take-all” system for electoral college votes in November.  

Nebraska has been one of the two states in the nation that splits electoral college votes based on congressional districts instead of giving all the votes to the winner of the state.  

During Kirk’s speech, he recalled an experience on his show when he and his team looked into how Nebraska could be key to help Donald Trump and the GOP win the upcoming 2024 election with just one electoral vote that would be out of reach if the state did not switch to winner-take-all.  

Kirk said afterward he had a call with the Nebraska’s governor’s office and that they were “committed to get this thing done.” 

Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen posted his support of the winner-take-all plan just hours later.  

“Nebraska could pick a president,” Kirk said, if that state holds a special session and switches to the winner-take-all system.  

“We are confident Governor Pillen will soon call a special session and get this done. The grassroots of Nebraska are united to fix Nebraska and make it winner-take-all,” Kirk posted on X.  

William Feely, who is running for the Nebraska RNC Committeeman, spoke as well, detailing that Nebraska’s Republican party has a plan to make sure the “winners take it all” in the state. “This issue can’t wait any longer,” he stated. “We will pass winner-take-all.” 

Nebraska GOP Chairman Eric Underwood also took to the stage at the Turing Point Action rally. 

Underwood declared that Nebraska was “no longer the fly over state” and that everyone needed to offer “their one more” action to get the state to winner-take-all. 

Fanchon Blythe, a Nebraska RNC Committeewoman, also spoke on how the state Republican grassroots movement has turned the tide in the state to winner-take-all as a legislative action. 

Before the rally, Kirk told The Post Millennial, “Joe Biden’s best and most likely path to the White House is to hold the ‘blue wall’ plus NE-02. Multiple publications have pointed this out. Biden’s campaign knows this all too well.”   

Kirk added, “Their whole strategy hinges on this one electoral vote. Nebraska, a bright red state where Republicans outnumber Democrats two-to-one, has it within its power to join 48 other states and to take this path off the chessboard for the Democrats.”

Las Vegas News Magazine

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