BREAKING: Biden blames GOP for border crisis, accuses Trump of not wanting secure border


President Joe Biden was forced to defend his bonkers “border security” bill on Tuesday after the draft Senate bill was revealed to the American public. He blamed border-hawk President Donald Trump, claiming that he did not want a secure US border. Biden’s border bill rewards and encourages illegal immigration. Trump’s plan is to close the border entirely. 

“I’m wearing my Ukraine tie and my Ukraine pin which I’ve been wearing because they’re in dire straits right now defending themselves against the Russian onslaught,” Biden said. The bill provides $60 billion in funding for the war in Ukraine. 

Biden said that the deal would have gone through had not Trump spoken out against it. “All indications are this bill won’t even move forward to the Senate floor,” Biden said. “Why? A simple reason: Donald Trump. Because Donald Trump thinks is bad for him politically, therefore, he doesn’t even though it would help the country he’s not for it. He’d rather weaponize this issue than actually solve it. So for the last 24 hours, he’s done nothing. And I’m told but reach out to Republicans in the House and the Senate and threaten them and try to intimidate them to vote against this proposal. And it looks like they’re caving. Frankly, they owe it to the American people to show some spine and do what they know to be right.”

He threatened to tell the nation that Trump opposes border security. “History is watching. If we don’t support Ukraine this critical moment will never be forgotten. The position of the MAGA Republicans can be characterized by the New York Times headline first, this is the headline reads ‘Trump first, Putin second America third.’ That can not pertain. This bipartisan agreement also provides Israel with what it needs to protect its people and defend itself against Hamas terrorists. And it will provide the necessary life-saving humanitarian assistance for the Palestinian people. By opposing this bill, denying aid to the people who are really suffering and desperately need help.”

Biden claimed the bill funding foreign wars and illegal immigrant services was “the strongest border bill this country has ever seen.”

“We have to get the resources to the border to get the job done. Republicans have to decide who do they serve: Donald Trump or The American people” Are they here to solve problems, or just weaponize those problems for political purposes? I know my answer,” he said.

“I serve the American people. I’m here to solve problems. Just months ago, Republicans were asking for this exact bill to deal with the border, provide support for Ukraine and Israel. And now, and now it’s here and they’re saying Nevermind. Nevermind,” Biden said. The bill would entrench into law Biden’s executive orders and actions that led to the problem in the first place.

Republicans had said that they would not fund the war in Ukraine if there was not funding for national security. The deal being called a “border deal,” funds the Ukraine war with $60 billion, the war in Israel with $14 billion, and spares only $20 billion for border measures.

These measures, however, do not include closing the border. Instead, money is allocated for more border agents so that more illegal immigrants can be processed, more immigration judges so that more illegal immigrants can have their asylum cases heard while they wait in the US on the American taxpayers’ dime for their court case, and more services for illegal immigrants while they are in the US. Biden has also called for “more pathways to citizenship” for people who are already in the US illegally.

Co-author of the bill Democrat Chris Murphy of Connecticut assured his constituents that under the 370-page “Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act” the border would never be closed.

Trump ran his 2016 campaign on securing the US-Mexico border with a wall and enacted many other measures to slow illegal immigration to a crawl. In his first days in office, Biden reversed those measures and created an illegal immigration crisis that has seen some 8 million people come illegally into the US.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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