Biden Threatens to Release Thousands More Unvetted Aliens


Since the $95 billion border bill hasn’t passed, Joe Biden, who some believe is a traitor, will release thousands of detainees and slash the already low detention capacity. It also follows DHS Secretary Mayorkas’s impeachment. Additionally, it could be retribution for Donald Trump weighing in on how bad the bill was.

It looks like vindictiveness as Democrats demand to pass the wildly expensive Trojan Horse bill.

The Washington Post (WaPo):

The bipartisan border bill that Republican lawmakers opposed last week would have provided $6 billion in supplemental funding for ICE enforcement operations. The bill’s demise has led ICE officials to begin circulating an internal proposal to save money by releasing thousands of detainees and cutting detention levels from 38,000 beds to 22,000 — the opposite of the enforcement increases Republicans say they want.

The budget crunch and the proposal also present a difficult scenario for the Biden administration heading into the spring, when illegal crossings at the southern border are expected to spike again. On Tuesday, House Republicans voted to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over his border record, and immigration remains President Biden’s worst-rated issue in polls.

Democrats have no regard whatsoever for our laws or the rights of Americans.

The Darien Gap is very dangerous, and it’s a pathway for terrorists.

In July 2021, Panama sent out an urgent warning to the Biden administration about terrorists pouring in to get to the United States. Terrorists are entering Panama so they can blend in with migrants — illegal aliens. Socialist Democrats in the US do not care or they would close the borders.

“Members of terrorist organizations and sanctioned parties have found their way into Panama, where they are not permitted to enter in the first place,” Panama Minister of Foreign Affairs Erika Mouynes wrote for Foreign Policy magazine. “Panama’s biometric identification measures have recognized and detained individuals linked to extremist groups attempting to pass through the country with migrants.”

“Vice President Kamala Harris’s recent trip to Central America — her first official mission abroad — is emblematic of the weight the White House has placed on the issue of migration,” Mouynes wrote. “Unfortunately, however, Panama was left off the itinerary of her two-day trip, which included stops in Guatemala and Mexico. This despite the unprecedented number of migrants attempting to cross our border through a treacherous area of jungle known as the Darién Gap.”

Mouynes said Panama is the most suspect place and the most dangerous to migration. Unprecedented numbers of migrants [illegal aliens] from Haiti, Cuba, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East cross the Darién Gap on their way to Canada and the United States.

This is one of the camps James O’Keefe visited.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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