Biden Says We Will Have Discussions About Iran’s Responsibility for Soldiers’ Deaths


On Sunday, three U.S. service members were killed and 34 injured in a drone attack in Jordan. It was no big secret who was behind it: Iran, the country to which President Joe Biden released $6 billion in oil money back in August in exchange for five American hostages. Oh, and Iran got five Iranians in the exchange, leading reporters to ask John Kirby, “Then why did we need to add $6 billion on top of that?” “This is the deal that we were able to strike,” Kirby responded.

Today was the rare day when Biden stopped to take questions from the press on his way to a campaign event.


They’ll do anything to preserve the Iran deal they negotiated.

Six billion dollars can pay for a lot of drones.

Well, OK then.


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Las Vegas News Magazine

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