'Another Day, Another W': DeSantis Signs New Laws Targeting Child Sex Abuse


Ron DeSantis has been going full force to win the title of ‘BEST GOVERNOR IN THE NATION’ since dropping out of the Presidential race and his latest should push him over the top in that fictional contest we just made up. 🙂

He announced the signing of NEW laws in Florida that target child sexual abusers. We are positive the Left is going to try and spin this somehow like they did with ‘Don’t Say Gay’ which had nothing to do with saying the word gay. We are not sure why the Left thinks putting down things that protect kids is the way to win over hearts and minds but they seem to be on the opposite side of common sense at every turn when it comes to children.

They want to have children read what can only be described as porn in classrooms, they wanted to keep kids out of school despite evidence it was harmful during COVID, they want to keep parents out of the conversation regarding gender at school, and we are positive they will find some way to pretend that harsher penalties for exploitation of children are somehow an attack on some ‘marginalized’ community.

YES! There needs to be a crack down on ALL things related to child exploitation and child sexual abuse and it needs to be done in EVERY STATE!


Say what you like about DeSantis but you can not deny he has been a good and effective governor.

True, unless they are a Democrat and then they can screw things all up so someone has to fix it again.

We agree!! Every state should look at added protections for our children. It would be nice if they all wanted to protect them from harmful medical procedures when they are confused and not gone through puberty as well but that does not seem to be something the Left is interested in.

After DeSantis is done in Florida can he just move from state to state and fix those up as well? Maybe he just becomes AMERICA’S GOVERNOR and we just let him fix all the states at once!

Yup! Now we will just sit and wait and see how the Left tries to make this into something awful …

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Las Vegas News Magazine

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