American Voters Say Biden 'Stoking' Fires Of A Civil War ⋆ JP


A new polling from Rasmussen Reports shows American voters fear Joe Biden is stoking the fires of a “civil war” in his obsession with an open southern border and his attacks on Texas’ efforts to protect the state’s own citizens.

The polling on the topic asked, “Do you agree or disagree with this statement about the border dispute between Texas and the federal government: ‘The feds are staging a civil war, and Texas should stand their ground?’”

Washington Examiner columnist Paul Bedard documented that the results had 55% in agreement.

Only 36% said they didn’t.

Does Texas have a constitutional right to defy Supreme Court on protecting its border?

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By parties, more than three in four members of the Republican Party “agreed trhat Biden’s threat is hurting the country to civil war,” he reported.

Even 39% of Democrats agreed.

The poll said a significant majority of the public also supporters the construction work being done by Texas along the border to secure it and close it to illegal aliens.

When Biden took office, he destroyed all of the border security programs that had been instituted by President Donald Trump, essentially opening America’s borders to anyone who wanted to come.

Since then, millions have, overwhelming the ability of border states to cope with the surge in demand for public aid. Texas for months now has been busing illegal aliens to northern cities who previously declared that they were “sanctuaries” for illegals, and now even officials there are unable to cope with the additional crowds, who often are dependent on public aid, and are insisting something be done.

Bedard reported a “sizable majority” of the public supports Texas’ border security construction, such as barricades of razor wire, and “feels that President Joe Biden’s efforts to stop it are the first step toward civil war.”

Sixty-nine percent of likely 2024 voters said they support Texas’ work, including 51%, a majority, who say they “strongly” back the program.

Biden has claimed Congress hasn’t given him the power and money to crack down on illegal aliens, but Trump, and former President Barack Obama, both made progress on the problem using already available programs and resources.

The report noted, “Pollsters have found Americans concerned about another civil war for nearly a decade, dating back to the Obama administration. Some politicians, notably Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), have called for a national ‘divorce’ between red and blue states, another topic that has been gaining steam.”

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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