Africans by the thousands flying to Central America to begin trek to US


Thousands of African migrants are reportedly flying to Central America in order to sidle across the southern U.S. border.

“[T]he number of Africans apprehended at the southern border jumped to 58,462 in the fiscal year 2023 from 13,406 in 2022,” The New York Times reported Friday, citing government data.

“The top African countries in 2023 were Mauritania, at 15,263; Senegal, at 13,526; and Angola and Guinea, which each had more than 4,000,” the paper added.

How are they getting to the border? By flying to Nicaragua, whose government “does not restrict entry of Africans.”

From there, the African migrants travel through Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico, eventually reaching the southern U.S. border, at which point they’re practically welcomed with open arms into America by the  “open borders” Biden administration.

Why are they specifically coming to the United States? Reportedly because of tighter border restrictions in Europe have made it far more difficult for them to migrate there.

“Getting into the United States is certain compared to European countries, and so I came,” one African migrant, 30-year-old Sekuba Keita, explained to the Times.

Speaking with JP, Ira Mehlman of the Federation for American Immigration Reform didn’t sound remotely surprised by this statement.

“Everybody around the world got the message: Come to the United States illegally, enter a bogus asylum claim, you’ll be released, you’ll be given work authorization within 180 days, you’ll get to remain here, and the longer you’re here the more you can establish other claims to remain here,” he said.

The Times, a left-wing outlet, even admits to this: “Most people will apply for asylum, which allows them to remain in the United States until the outcome of their cases, issued years down the road.”

Many, many years, according to an Associated Press report published in April. The report noted that migrants are being told they won’t be assigned an immigration hearing date until as far out as 2023. In the meantime, they can do whatever.

“Until then, the migrants in question won’t even get an initial court appearance on the books, though they can live and work in the U.S.,” the report notes.

“After that, their case will work its way through the U.S. immigrant courts — a process that takes about four years amid a backlog that reached 2.1 million cases in January, up from about 600,000 in 2017,” the report continues.

Dovetailing back to the Times’ bombshell report, it prompted a fascinating response from the paper’s notoriously left-wing readers.

“Tell me how this is not an ‘open border?’” one reader wrote in the paper’s comments section. “Democrats (of which I am one) claim there is no open border, but this sure seems like there is.”

“I’m terrified of another Trump presidency, but it feels like we are headed that way thanks to the ruination of the Democratic Party by its progressive wing,” the reader added.

(Source: The New York Times)

Another reader, a longtime legal immigrant, even warned that this issue “will cost the Democrats the White House in 2024.”

“Came here thirty years ago with a Job offer in hand , a J1 visa in my (valid) passport and the ability to speak fluent English,” the reader wrote. “It took me thirteen years to turn the J1 into a H1b into a green card into a US citizenship, working and paying taxes all the time, not ever depending on government handouts.”

“Same for my wife and our children. Seeing people just show up and being let in because of ‘asylum’ is beyond infuriating to us. All these people deserve is arrest and immediate deportation. This will cost the democrats the White House in 2024,” they added.

It must be especially frustrating knowing that the vast majority of asylum claims are bull.

“As it turns out, about 80 to 90 percent of those don’t have a valid asylum claim, once we actually get their documentation,” Rep. Dan Crenshaw explained during an appearance on “The View” five years ago.


PolitiFact, the fake left-wing “fact-checker,” later tried to fact-check Crenshaw but wound up admitting he was almost 100 percent right.

“The truth is, about 20 to 30 percent of asylum requests have been granted annually since 2009,” the bogus “fact-checker” admitted.

That means 70 to 80 percent of asylum claims are effectively invalid.


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