2nd Anniversary of Canada's Freedom Convoy


It is the second anniversary of the Canada Freedom Convoy, aka Honking for Freedom protest. Crowds gathered at Parliament Hill for a march. Two years ago, Prime Minister Trudeau sent his militant forces after the protesters. He lied about them, calling them the usual derogatory names.

The truckers are suing the Trudeau government over their frozen bank accounts, and the citizens and businesses of downtown Ottawa are suing truckers, donors, and organizers for $300 million over the disturbance.

Some freedom fighters marched in Ottawa today to commemorate the event.

As they did two years ago, the officials and media pundits in Canada are calling the freedom fighters “fringe” people.

This is from 2022:

Ottawa is full of Trudeau leftists.

Potential Prime Minister Poilievre:

In this clip from two years ago, the Trucker explains what they want and asks the political class to stop acting in an unparliamentary manner, calling fellow citizens racists, and so on. They wanted mandates and tracking to stop so they could once again be free.


That takes us to New York City. From what Chicago Ray hears, truckers will stop entering the city. I have no idea if he’s accurate. We’ll see on Monday. In the clip, he says even MS-13 will be angry if they don’t get food delivered.

The motorcycle thieves stealing items from walkers are MS-13 and Venezuelan gangs.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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