Watch: Morano on Fox talking Vineyard Wind offshore pollution disaster: ‘The fishermen are forced to do what the environmentalists should be doing’


The Bottom Line – Fox Business Channel – Broadcast August 27, 2024

Host: Let’s bring in Climate Depot executive editor Marc Morano. Marc, good to see you. Thanks for being with us…One of the wings came off, and the shrapnel coming up on shore, cutting people’s feet. I thought environmentalists were supposed to care about the environment, but they’re nowhere to be seen on this issue.

See: ‘Menace to our fisheries’: New England flotilla unites to protest wind farm after turbine ‘disaster’ – ‘Proof that offshore wind will crush fishermen & maritime communities’

Marc Morano: They are silent, and you mentioned the fishermen went out there — they’re, the fishermen are forced to do what the environmentalists should be doing out here and complaining and drawing attention to the fiberglass shards all over the beaches and the water affecting the marine mammals, the fisheries. What’s amazing is these wind turbines — there are about 25, they are as tall as the Eiffel Tower with blades as long as a football field, and they go 200mph an hour. So when these things break down as we’ve seen and snap off — that is a massive hazard out in the ocean.

The RFK story — he’s getting a hit for this decades-old story. This is a classic example of Washington’s regulatory bureaucracy. They want to go after the letter of the law, and technically, they might be able to get RFK on some violation of The Endangered Species Act or similar law for handling a dead animal. But they’re allowing windmills to continue in what the ocean conservation groups are saying is the most unprecedented whale death in the last 50 years. They’re not giving them proper environmental review or proper species impact studies. They would never have this kind of lack attitude for any fossil fuel-related project.

See: Kindergartners warned of ‘inescapable death spiral’ of climate change by NASA’s ‘Climate Kids’ webpage – Warned Entire US Cities Will Be Underwater

Morano on NASA’s climate website for kids: This is literally the indoctrination of kids from kindergarten through college. Now, courtesy of our government agencies — and this was added to the NASA website, I believe, just a couple years ago during the Biden Administration — the idea that the Biden Administration is then like Kamala Harris is out there saying people are thinking I’m not having kids due to climate anxiety. Gee, I wonder where that’s coming from? It’s coming from this kind of nonsense aimed directly at kids, and this isn’t where it stops. This is just the informational end. The action end is that you have environmental groups and billionaires funding lawsuits against state governments and national governments, against European nations with kids, some as young as elementary school, suing the governments for failing to ensure their climate future. And that’s where it gets really weird because essentially, these kids are saying we have to have more central planning, less economic freedom, and we have to have the government control every aspect of our life in order to make sure we have a safe climate. And they’re signing their names on these lawsuits, and some of them they’re winning. A lot of these federal judges are ruling in their favor. This is how they’ve weaponized kids in 2024 America.

Host: Marc Morano, you have your priorities straight. Thanks for being with us on the Bottom Line. We are



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