Vermont Bill Would Expand Assisted Suicide Again
Vermont House Bill 75 (H 75) will expand the state assisted suicide law by allowing (non-physicians) naturopathic physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants to participate in assisted suicide.
Are naturopathic physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants demanding the right to be involved with killing people?
Or is it that there are too few physicians who are willing to kill?
H 75 has been referred to the Committee on Health Care.
If passed, H 75 would be the third expansion of Vermont’s assisted suicide law.
Assisted suicide laws, once legal, inevitably expand.
When writing about Vermont’s continuous expansion of their assisted suicide law I ask the question, will there ever be enough killing?
On January 5, 2024, I reported that data from the Vermont Department of Health indicated that the number of assisted suicide deaths more than quadrupled in 2022/2023 from the previous two years.
The increase in Vermont assisted suicide deaths is partly due to the expansion of the Vermont assisted suicide law.
In 2022 Vermont passed assisted suicide bill S74 which expanded their assisted suicide law by allowing assisted suicide by telemedicine (permitting lethal assisted suicide poison prescriptions to be written without meeting the person), eliminating the 48 hour waiting period before prescribing, and defining assisted suicide as a “healthcare service.”
On March 14, 2023, Vermont’s Attorney General’s Office reached an agreement with the assisted suicide lobby to remove the residency requirement for assisted suicide in Vermont. That means residents from other states can die by assisted suicide in Vermont. A media report indicated that a Connecticut woman died by assisted suicide in Vermont.
Now Vermont wants to permit expand the law by permitting other medical professionals to also be legally capable of killing their patients. Note: Alex Schadenberg is the executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition and you can read his blog here.