UK Telegraph: ‘Climate change is already forcing millions of people to migrate’ – Reality Check: Nope.


By Paul Homewood

More Bill Gates funded propaganda:

Meanwhile back in the real world, Africa continues to enjoy ever increasing food production, longer lives, record low deaths from malnutrition and steadily growing GDP.

All of this has been made possible by fossil fuels:

.Meanwhile not only has the Sahel along with other regions in Africa been greened by extra CO2 in the atmosphere, scientists say that a warmer world could see a return to the wetter climate enjoyed during the warmer early Holocene era.

In the future, the Sahara and Sahelian regions could experience more rainfall than today as a result of climate change. Wetter periods, termed African humid periods, occurred in the past and witnessed a mesic landscape in place of today’s hyperarid and semiarid environment. Such large past changes raise the question of whether the near future might hold in store similar environmental transformations, particularly in view of the growing human-induced climate, land-use, and land-cover changes. In the last decades.

Las Vegas News Magazine

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