I thought this Telegraph article was worthy of a quick post, to highlight what has not been admitted, and speculate on the why now for this latest so called bombshell.
Many will view this as a ‘gotcha!’ moment within the medical freedom movement. Forgive my cynicism. We’re all jaded at this point, having screamed into the wind until we are blue in the face since December 2020 (UK C19 injection rollout date).
Yes, it is ‘progress’. Take the little ‘wins’, I know, I know, I hear you. More of the slumbering masses will awaken…won’t they? But awaken to what? Be psychologically taken to where next?
Here is a non-paywalled-archived-link to this Telegraph article from 17th January 2025:
Quoting from the article in full:
The Government anticipated a £1.7 billion bill for injuries caused by the coronavirus vaccine, the Covid Inquiry has heard.
Documents shown to the inquiry reveal the Government was prepared for problems because the Covid vaccines were developed at a “much faster pace” and would not be put through “more extensive clinical trials that would usually be the norm”.
Giving evidence to the inquiry, Lord Alok Sharma, who was business secretary at the time, said the Government had indemnified pharmaceutical companies such as AstraZeneca, agreeing to pick up the cost of harm.
But he said that the benefits still outweighed the costs. “There was work done on what was the net benefit of vaccines being deployed successfully, and clearly the net benefit calculation showed that it was many multiples higher than the potential contingent liabilities.”
Documents show that the Government estimated the net benefits of vaccinating the population would be between £11 billion and £231 billion.
Hugo Keith KC, counsel for the inquiry, asked: “The net benefit to the United Kingdom financially and societally vastly outweighed any possible contingent liability that might ever be owed to a manufacturer?”
“Yes, absolutely,” said Lord Sharma.
Pharmaceutical companies developing the jabs initially asked for “statutory immunity”, which would have shielded them from any civil claims and which had been agreed by the US.
Documents show that after initial conversations with Pfizer-BioNTech – which developed one of the mRNA jabs – the Government had estimated indemnity costs of between £75 billion and £300 billion.
However, Lord Sharma said the Government had “pushed back” very hard on offering full immunity to pharmaceutical companies, and eventually negotiated a lesser indemnity agreement, which they expected to cost £1.7 billion in a worst-case scenario.
The figure was based on payouts emerging from narcolepsy cases that occurred after the Pandermix vaccine and Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura cases resulting from the MMR jab.
The documents state: “C-19 vaccines are being developed at a much faster pace than is typical, some which are also using novel platform technologies.
“While the vaccines will be subject to regulatory approval, given the timeframe, the vaccines will not be able to benefit from the longer and more extensive clinical trials that would usually be the norm in any vaccine development.”
Compensation scheme
Latest figures show more than 17,500 people have applied to the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS), believing that they – or their loved ones – have been injured by the jabs.
However, there have only been 188 payouts so far, with hundreds of people rejected because they are not deemed to be “60 per cent disabled”.
The majority of successful vaccine harm claims relate to the AstraZeneca jab, which was found to induce vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia and thrombosis, a dangerous type of blood clotting which can be fatal.
Those injured told the inquiry this week they had been “ignored” and treated with “disbelief” and “hostility” when they tried to seek redress.
Currently, the VDPS only offers a one-off tax-free payment of £120,000 to people who have been severely injured.
Lord Sharma said ministers had considered reviewing eligibility criteria for the VDPS, as well as implementing a separate compensation scheme but had never followed through on the idea.
He added: “Reflecting on all this, and particularly I think seeing some of the testimony on the impact film for this module, I certainly think there is a case for us to look again about at both eligibility criteria, but also perhaps to look at the quantity of money that would be made available through this mechanism.”
The inquiry continues and is hearing from senior civil servants.
Now then. I have often referred to the controlled release of information by the MSM pertaining to the layer cake of scandal (pre-meditated democide in my personal opinion) surrounding the C19 injections and ‘Covid’ as pressure release valves.
A pressure release valve via the legacy mouthpiece media / government apparatchiks, is the controlled release of information that is usually labelled a conspiracy theory in the past, before being validated as conspiracy reality.
The valve represents the public sentiment of outrage that needs a cathartic release. The pressure builds up from the ‘alt media’ voices and bodies of evidence (and literal human bodies as corpses) stacking up, to the point where the valve needs to be opened, in order to reduce the pressure intensity of public outrage.
I know I don’t have to recap on former pressure release valves throughout the scamdemic timeline continuum for the sake of the typical readership of Creed Speech, although I might as well for posterity and clarity of my interpretation of events.
Past pressure release valves:
We didn’t mean to shut down the economy. We were at war with the virus, we had to take precautions. Sorry about your small business getting wrecked. We made up social distancing and we actually did not need to lockdown harder. We will learn from our mistakes.
The vaxxeen makes you impervious to harm. The vaxxeen stops you getting the Covid and protects your community. The vaxxeen stops serious illness and death. The vaxxeen efficacy wanes and you need boosters. Boosters might be dangerous for some groups. Side effects are rare, like a sore arm. Side effects may be somewhat worse, but Pfizer / Moderna / AZ is bad. The benefits outweighed the harms. The vaxxeen still saved millions of lives.
I could go on. You get the point.
We arrive at the latest valve precipice. Also a limited hangout of sorts. So the noise has become too loud to drown out the injection-maimed and the families of those killed off. Including my family, and probably your family too.
They said that #NobodyIsSafeUntilEverybodyIsSafe. Really, nobody will ever be ‘safe’ until everybody realises that the entire narrative is built on lies and deception.
The ultimate narrative which must be protected in the minds of the world government technocrats and the misleaders of their ‘sovereign nation-state’ subsidiaries, is that there are pandemics, there are scary viruses that are both highly contagious and deadly, and we that we still need mRNA ‘vaxxeens’.
Covid still only exists as a computer sequence and has not been isolated, but nobody cares about that when drinking the narrative kool-aid.
Even sites like Zerohedge – which I used to be able to repost to – are caught up (ensnared?) in the false dichotomy of the nonsensical wet-market virus origin versus the lab-leak-theory (LLT). The LLT acceptance is being crafted by MSM slowly, for the next pressure release valve. If and when it is ‘admitted’, it will reinforce the sacred cow narrative that there are highly contagious and deadly viruses, that there are pandemics, and that there will be more future pandemics.
The other sacred cow is deflecting attention away from the injections being a military operation via the US Department of Defense.
Instead we have been and will continue to be treated to a series of let’s sue big pharma pieces, let’s exit the WHO statements, and a sprinkling of ‘leaked’ texts and emails between government officials, EU officials, et cetera, on their corruption and foreknowledge in pre-ordering the Vaxxeen doses, whilst indemnifying the manufacturers. All misdirection.
I can’t see the MSM ever revealing the mass democide / iatrogenocide carried out in the hospitals; mass-murdering people by ventilator…Unless, unless, they find some way to throw a select few senior people directing policy under the proverbial bus. Perhaps. Unlikely. So far all we have had revealed is the incentive structures for hospitals getting paid when their nurses and doctors put patients on ventilators – most detailed in the US.
Charles Wright gives us a timely reminder:
Peter McCullough Ignores the Obvious Again- that “COVID” Patients were Killed in Hospitals
The Midazolam (end of life drug) used to bump off scores of elderly people in the UK who were in care homes during the scamdemic, will be a tricky pressure release valve for the MSM to design.
Here is a PDF compilation of resources on the Midazolam scandal put together by Craig Paardekooper:
Midazolam And Euthanasia
1.44MB ∙ PDF file
Iain Davis penned an excellent, well researched article on this subject in August 2021, which has aged well:
Planned Euthanasia Does Not Constitute Healthcare – No Matter How Hard You Clap For It
The year twenty-twenty-five shall be a year of revelations, mixed in with cleverly crafted pressure release valves and limited hangouts.
When does the house of cards finally come crashing down? Does it ever really collapse in on itself? If and when it does fall down, will we be too mesmerised by the MSM laser pointer directing our attention span and short memories towards something new and shiny and even more terrible?
Nicholas Creed is a Bangkok-based writer. Follow Creed Speech on Substack. Any support is greatly appreciated.