Top Pollster Predicts Major TDS Pandemic If Trump Wins Election


Pollster Mark Halperin has warned that America and possibly the world could experience a major mental health crisis in its history if former President Donald Trump wins the election next month.

As Democrats continue to push the narrative of “civil war,” which they claim would immediately follow a Trump victory, Halperin said there also could be a major outbreak of Trump derangement syndrome (TDS), much worse than in 2016.

During an interview with Tucker Carlson, Halperin discussed how Kamala Harris voters would react to Trump winning.

“I say this not flippantly, I think it will be the cause of the greatest mental health crisis in the history of the country,” Halperin said.


The pollster also warned that tens of millions of Americans’ connection to their country could be derailed with the news of Trump becoming president again.

He went on to add that millions of mental health professionals could be inundated with support requests, and could lead to “trauma in the workplace” as well as “alcoholism” and “broken marriages.”

“They think he’s the worst person possible to become president,” said Halperin, noting the TDS crisis could be “sustained,” “unprecedented,” and “hideous” in months after the election.

Halperin said the level of “violence” that could inevitably ensue after a Trump victory would be unprecedented and could become “impossible for even the most mentally healthy person to truly process and incorporate in the daily life.”

“They think that their fellow citizens supporting Trump is a sign of fundamental evil at the heart of their fellow citizens and the nation,” concluded Halperin.

Indeed, it’s worth noting that MSNBC’s resident TDS sufferer Joe Scarborough recently claimed that Trump himself is preparing for “civil war.”

“This is an increasingly desperate person, an increasingly desperate family, who is preparing for civil war. They just are,” Scarborough said.

On the flip side, according to a Rasmussen poll, four in ten voters believe that a second American civil war is likely in the next five years if Trump does not win the 2024 election.

While around half of likely voters believe a civil war is unlikely, more than 40 percent of respondents believe that internal conflict is “somewhat” or “very likely,” the poll found.

Trump Derangement Syndrome became a thing during the president’s first term in office, with media and Democrats becoming demonically possessed with their mention of Trump’s name.

If Trump does win in November, we can only expect TDS to get worse.

Brace yourselves.

READ: NY Times Columnist: ‘I Wish Somebody Would KILL Trump’

Las Vegas News Magazine

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